ucoqid I agree to this 100%, for example, Grasping Evil which I am sure most ppl didn't even heard of it's name, is a hidden gem, the author just love his novel, specially after 100-150 chapter the story keep on getting better and better, this guy never write filler chapter, never describes random stuff or anything extra, plus his chapters are ranging from 6k Chinese character to 15k each single chapter, (early on started with 3k but after a while all over 6k ), this author don't care releasing chapters 2k by 2k to pump out many chapter, he sometime release no chap in 1 week then release a 14k chapter. It all depend on his story in that chapter.
But this all made his awesome work not be popular enough and unknown to many.
I'm sure there is many more novels like this, authors either have to accept less popularity or have to change their ways and pump a lot of filler or small chapters to make more money :l