Lizabelle88 Most of these novels are dropped for this reason. The problem is that there is not even an anouncement. I love Commanding Wind and Rain yet when there were only 60chapters left to translate (that supposely the last translator said are ready to be realesed) there was no update for months. No translator note ever, no reply to comments. Nothing. A reader had to dig up what the original novel was about and inform us that the novel went downhill at the end. I get it. But still. Inform. Being disregarded like this is offensive and just showing how money oriented WN is. Many stories i pay for will never finish. How sad is that?

Well to give an example Beauty and the Bodyguard has been "paused" a few days ago. From what I can gather if a novel is low in the rankings QI/webnovel pauses it and it has nothing to do with the TL. How pausing a novel is meant to make it more popular is a bit of a mystery since presumably as releases stop it becomes less popular and then more likely to be paused. It's also unclear if it's temporary or permanent as naturally there is no announcement.

Actually as far as the lack of announcement goes there are probably three aspects. First of all if TL wants to resume the project saying the QI/webnovel has told them to stop releasing due to lack of popularity is likely to lose readers. Secondly it's also possible that they've made an announcement but it's stuck behind the privilege paywall. Thirdly QI/webnovel never makes announcements they think will be unpopular as saying "We've decided to drop series XXXX as it's not making enough money" won't go down well. Added bonus of saying nothing is TL might get blamed instead and as TLs have signed contracts that prohibit them from criticising QI/webnovel they can't defend themselves.

As a reader you want to know if the novel has been dropped as there's no point investing time and in some cases money into a webnovel that will end halfway through it. On the other hand for QI/webnovel it's in their interests to extract any bit of revenue from a dead novel so there is no benefit to them warning users that they'll never reach the end as it's been dropped.

Daoist_Zheng No, sorry. Generally, only threads that deal with important announcements/things that users should see right away when they click onto the forum are pinned. Also, the first post (what is generally the most important post in a thread) is outdated, and I don't want misinformation to be spread. Therefore, I don't really see this thread as something that needs to be pinned. Apologies.

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