NoAnimeNoLIfe Thanks for your work on creating this list. And also kudos for updating this list based on the subsequent posts.

    5 days later

    I know some of these were completed in Chinese (or the original language) and it is the translations that have stopped. Truly wish that they could get a journeyman translator to just finish the dropped novels. Even a slow release rate is better than dropped.

      I know some of these were completed in Chinese (or the original language) and it is the translations that have stopped. Truly wish that they could get a journeyman translator to just finish the dropped novels. Even a slow release rate is better than dropped.

        Apocalypse Meltdown:

        The only reason many people stopped reading it was that at chapter 16 the translations became bad. This was stated and up-voted over and over by the people who quit reading it. They refuse to read until chapter 50 where it starts to have better translations. The translations finally get a lot better at about chapter 75. If we had those chapters re-translated the LN would have had far more readers.

        The other reason that it was dropped was that it NEVER had a dedicated translator and editor.

        What a fucking joke, Dragon Emperor, Martial God was finally started to be translated again, we had to wait ages for the chapters, and yet they had enough chapters stored to released 50 for the privileged bullshit...

        Is there any way for these to be (re)included in "What's next?" for the Energy Stone vote?

        I'd rather spent my votes to get these novels up and running again.

        It would be a good way to get new readers interested in these stories as well.

          Belkar I really like this idea and i think a lot of people would love something like this since often there aren't even novels on the whats next list that you want to read so you just vote for the SS. This would give people more options and a viable solution for all the dropped novels. I hope Qidian sees this thread

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