A list of dropped translated Qidian novels.
yaoyueyi youre a mod, is Way of the Devil dropped?
yaoyueyi youre a mod, is Way of the Devil dropped?
wierdyjoe69 I'm just a forum moderator, not WN staff.
Imperiestro evolving like this we'll hit the stone age soon enough!
NoAnimeNoLIfe their big idea is: we might give you sh!t but please continue to pay us without any complain!
Extra2567 I'm not going to add a book that is missing the ending chapter onto the list. That's just not worth mentioning.
Not to mention the novel was "eunuched" by the author. (Cut off by the author.) All the more reason to not mention it.
In my opinion, it makes sense not to continue translating a novel that gets it's ending rushed because author decided to f*** it or just dropped outright for no reason.
Y'know I'm actually tempted to like list trial novels here as well since we all know it'll take years before they are remembered by webnovel staff. Or just the ones that are actually good and not generic copy of other novels. After all, gems existed in the trial that get ousted from the trial since other generic novels have support from "whale" fans. (I'm sorry but they do exist.) Although I understand that novels are only chosen for how much money they can generate, I'm willing to say that a majority of the users of webnovel do not pay for coins and rely on fast passes for novels. It's also hard for a gem to be picked since only the first 60 chapters are translated and seeing how most chinese novels go past 1000, 60 chapters doesn't help unearth the next lord of the mysteries.
yaoyueyi could you tag staff member? Idk any
That's why wuxiaworld is still a favourite. At least they are transparent. Imagine reading 1000+ chapters only for them to drop it midway. I'm not sure if it's a good company tactic but oh well
Yeah but even multi billion companies announce when they are going to shelve a product. I mean I understand the dropping part from an economic standpoint, but they at least announce it a while before so people could adjust. I mean where's the harm in writing something down like "due to unpopularity of this series it will be on an indefinite hiatus starting on XX"
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned I Can Turn into a Fish yet
went to check if it has been picked up again yet since the last update and found it was still inactive :-:
came here to see if it was officially dropped or what's happening.
FengHua you can create a site with the novels they drop.
gamer3012 And it might get dropped
I have an inkling suspicion that Universe's Ultimate Boss might get dropped. Why? Well no releases for at least 3 days is a good sign of trouble coming.
There's a few possibilities occurring: Hiatus. Drop. Continuation.