Hello everyone. I am Niharika. I love reading novels and I stumbled upon Webnovel via Facebook. I like to write as well and I have just started with a novel too. Please take a look and prove your insights as well as I want to improve.

    soymilku I'm Lupusregina (name came from novel/anime titled ovelord) 22 y/o from Philippines. I'm reading mostly jp novels but when my friend recomended me a novel titled tales of demons and god I got curious and search for more cn novels with culticvation. After reading a bunch of novels from wuxia I found this site when I was looking for novels like emperors domination where the mc is opaf. The strongest system and Lybrary of heavens path are the first novel I read here

      6 days later

      Hi my name is Jennifer, Jen for short..i love reading about Quiao anhao and Mr. Lu haha bringing home the nation husband..i super duper love it 😁 thanks to the author..and thank you also to webnovel i enjoy reading your novels..hope to meet one of your authors someday..by the way im from philippines!! Have a gr8 day everyone and enjoy reading..!!!horayyy!!

      I feel old here crap...I'm from Canada, thirty something. Love anime, drama, singing and travel. Watch tvb from very extremely young and all cdrama. Start anime I think, when I was 10 year old. Love reading and read all Conan Doyle, Alexandre Dumas....

      Coming here for reading some my favorite novels and extremely, I said again extremely enjoy all original novels people post. Seriously if I can write in English like my French, I would start a novel πŸ˜™πŸ˜™πŸ˜™. Sadly my Chinese isn't strong and my other half nationality not helping a lot too.
      THANK AGAIN all original creators, it's really good and great imagination. THANK AGAIN translators for all your marvelous work, for Chinese descent like me who doesn't read but can understand β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️

      Doesn't want to give much info but anyway just have fun reading and comments when I work πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Try to get my spirit stone up to more than 1000 every day but gosh it's hard.

        Hello, I'm a cynical and foul-mouthed independent author from the U.S. and I decided to vomit all the stuff I'm currently writing onto Webnovel. I'd like to make sure I participate in the community, like here on the forums, as opposed to just using the site as a mirror. So, hello!

        Here's a link to my profile. Hopfully one of my books will interest any of you. Mostly fantasy with a couple SciFi, and almost all of them contain adult content like violence or sexual themes.



          Yume97 je parle la Quebecois un petite. Bro you type I'll translate it'll be like smoking hash and watching a Nero fiddle.


            πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ omg I never though I will see someone trying to write into French, happy to see you are trying to help me but sadly I'm kinda busy to start a novel. Work, life, stress...anyway πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
            Je suis contente que tu veux m'aider mais malheureusement je n'ai pas de temps Γ  me consacrer Γ  ce passe-temps. Si tu aimes lire les livres de Alexandre Dumas, son fils Γ©crit aussi. Mon autre auteure que j'aime restera Lucy Maud Montgomery, l'auteure de Anne la maison au pignon vert. Tolkien, Anne Mccafrey, James Patterson, Mary Higgins Clark, David Edding...etc sont des auteurs que je lis aussi.

              Yume97 oui mon francaise est as rusty and as sharp as a butter knife used for circumcising golems. I caught about 10 words of that. Guys he is happy with his situation but far too busy to write he says he likes Dumas the son as well and listed several other authors. Dang this translating stuff is hard I'll stick to making fart jokes and slapstick comedy...
              Upon rereading the above statement there is a daughter in school not Alexander Dumas the son. Wow it's been too long since I had to try to read any French. Redcat the earlier fils is son so I had that right it's his son in school I think. ecole is school ecrite is something completely different hmmm ok I give up.

                Yume97 Your never to old to love what you love. I'm like two years from being 30 and I got my dad who now over the 50 hump into anime. He mostly listen to audio book though. You can also always write for yourself in French and find a translator for your novel later.

                  πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ hey nice try :)
                  People said French is the most hard language to learn hm, I find Chinese and Korean more harder to write and read. David Eddings hm...I was in grade 5 when I start to read him after Avalon serie and all fantastic books. Love suspense and police book...

                  Real life catch us, no more time to do more like before πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I remember to finish one piece marathon rewatch a week, didn't sleep. When we can pass a time in from computer to watch anime after anime, drama after drama. When everything we fansubbers do everything for fan for fan in 1996...great generation. Anyway after 2006, everything start to be complicate, we become more olders, not a same passion like before. When in Japan new rules appear, paid for people can send to us raw episode to subbed. Still love anime, be inside the anime wave and make people love anime. But real life catch, the only time I can be 100% anime fan it's when I go to anime convention and cosplay. After, we back to what we are πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ adult have responsibility, we cannot play anymore like before πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

                    Oh! My parent are in sixty something and they hate anime. Asian parent is pretty strict, they doesn't like us like anime because it's Japanese. Sadly I love Japan and go visit there, so lovely and shy peopleβ™₯️β™₯️β™₯️. Also Chinese descent, Chinese and Japanese use to have a lot a problem in history so parent keep saying...well you know.πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

                    Hm nope...no time seriously, I prepare for my travel to Korea and plan too. So i won't be concentrate to write πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”. If I would start a book...I can said it's from Chinese Paladin 5 and my lovely couple Long You and Xiao Man....after the end of the cdrama version. I can't stop thinking of them...my poor couple ...angst.

                    Wow you make your dad love anime!!!! That a great move!!!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

                      Yume97 i took 3 years of French in school. I never used it so I forgot it all I just got home there is toilet paper it's a good day.

                        Yume97 Yeah. He's very religious, so I'm surprised he likes it. Most of my family tells me to grow up because its for kids, and I be like have you watch the anime I've been watching. I don't even want to let my niece watch certain ones. I only introduce action anime to my dad. I'm American, so I understand the feud. I had someone was from japan block me because they found out I was from America. Another issue is because I'm African American. Apparently American Americans are frown upon for being into cartoons, anime...etc I'm told I'm acting white all the time. It makes no sense how people minds are wired.

                          21 days later

                          A Filipino Indonesian Chinese who now studies in Singapore.

                          I love writing and I discovered the app Webnovel a week ago. Wrote a novel called : Endless Vertex


                          I have a plot in my head but can’t really express everything. I hope you will enjoy it.

                            Im icy(age unknown) from Singapore. I used to read novels on gravity tales(before it got aquired by qi) and then heard about the shaddy stuff qi did. Eventually, i moved on to wuxia world, before coming to qi. I also read novels written on moonquill(a new website for authors that a number of original writers on webnovel are moving to) if anyone wants to support them i highly suggest doing so!

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