Novel must have 10+ chapters and 10k+ words
Must not have 11 reviews yet
Horror&Thriller, Entertainment industry, Business, Cultivation, Evolution, System, Cooking, Magical realism, Harem, Modern World, Medicine, Fan Fiction (depends what it is), crafting, or Game elements
Romance focused novel, Isekai focused novels, BL, or FL

Reviews Left: 2
Reviews Reserved: 2
Reviews done: 6

Above will be updated as I check, I put 10 as I'm guesing its that much till I'm bored.
I'll read synopsis from link, write general idea though, save space
If it doesn't fit criteria, I'm not bothering to respond, I'll like your thing if you are picked.

Also please note, unless your novels near perfect, don't come running here for a 5star review. Do review swaps if you want the fake stuff. It'll be direct and honest.

My shameless advertisement to my book now, note though this is NOT A REVIEW SWAP, I just want more honest readers, but more importantly just a example.
'Haunted System: Path to a Celebrity'
Genre- Horror and Thriller

    Victim Done. It was harsh but so u improve, also yay horror~

      Sorry but(no joke but)
      Do you mean direct as harsh truths depicted?

        Rothfuss I just read like 500+ novels, so my expectations r just high. What I said was pure honesty, don't take it to heart that much though, every1 sucks at first, plus your story was mostly just grammercal stuff, as for the story plot, it might be good, it just doesn't fit my tastes though which is y I put 4 to be non biased, if u keep writing you'll improve, my first novel was god awful in everything, I never published it though, for my second I wrote with nk insperation and just a prize, other than grammer, everything else was pretty awful from a reader's perspective. You can usually judge your books qualities by these ratios (opion but what I can guess with my experience)
        1-150:1 collection Amazing
        151-250:1 collection Good
        251-350:1 collection Above Average
        351-450:1 collection Below Average
        451+:1 collection Bad or horrible

        This doesnt mean story itself is bad even if its 550:1, as most people get hooked at the start, and for me I just wasn't hooked as I read too many books, but thats also y I wrote a lot, I get reviews matter though so if u really want me to I'll edit it in future, but not listing things out, takes too much time

        I don't really understand what u mean, but I hope this answers it

          KageMugen 113k views, honestly surprised its not rated yet whether good or bad. It'll prob be done tommorow don't have time tday.

            Eslyna let's just say I have neglected it for a year ... restarted 2 days ago ... Also started on a new one which now has 5 chapters and will probably put more focus on that one. The old one will have a completely new direction in a few chapters ...

              Here's mine:
              Title: World of Darkness: Nirvana
              Genre: Magical Realism; Horror
              *A FanFic of the White Wolf video game Vampire: the Masquerade Bloodline.
              Chasing after a shadow from her past, Leona entered the world of the mystical blood-thirsty undead, but the awaiting danger is far greater than she could ever imagine: the grand game of politics, the battling sides of humanity and beast in their nature, and the brutal Jyhad in the modern nights...Lost and afraid in this chaos, she has to continue on this path--because there is no going back.
              Mine is only 5 Chapters, though I have much greater length for each so it should meet your requirement XD Looking forward to an honest review. Random r-stars are just too boring :>

                Hi! So I'm kind of scared, kind of reluctant.

                So it does involve the entertainment industry and though it is in the romance section, it is not romance focused (for now.) For the first volume, I'm doing heavy character development on mostly the MC. I don't know what you meant by "FL" but I'm thinking female love or else, female protagonist. If you don't like female MCs, then this novel is invalid lolz.

                It has 1 review (Me cough) and (by inkstone) 18k words.

                I would really appreciate if you read the whole novel, but if you don't then please skip to chapter 23. I think I got better as I went along because I'm really bad at beginnings... However, I am proud of my spelling! My novel has no typos! (cough don't sue me if I don't)

                I'm not hoping for a 5 star review, but I am hoping for a 3 star review. I will party if you give me a 4, cuz that would be awfully surprising. I'm a new writer (barely started writing) that wanted to bring something new on the table. Please be patient as this is a very slow novel! :)

                Ok I've been writing for too long. pewpew sparkles

                Title: Not So Confident
                Genre: Romance/Realistic Fiction (I'm going back and forth)

                  Minitabs I did it finally, I couldn't say much thouvh as the story didntmatch my taste, I tried to be non-biased but I barely read mich so couldm't say much and probablly not the review u wanted, at least your book has a rating now though, generaly it looks good other than prologue, u neverwant to start prologues with hufe battle scenes or stuff similar to thaf


                    Yeah, then we're clear. I don't have any romance in my book right now anyways, but planning for a girlxboy.

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