I started reading wuxia novel on 2016...with tales of demon and god as my first novel ever on wuxiaworld...then i found QI last year and started reading from both wuxiaworld and QI since then...tell me yours.!!!!
DaolordRavenwood Hey bro! I'm working on Stealing The Heavens, and I certainly need more love from our fellow Malaysian, haha!
Cultivation Chat Group is a very nice novel with a lot of comedies, while I enjoy reading Release That Witch too, the latest arc is dragging for too long and all the names confused me. Nevertheless, both of them are worth checking out!
DaolordRavenwood nak genre yg cmna .. Byk novel dah aku hadap ni.. Smpai plot dah xingt kalau tgl lbh seminggu..
Hi..ak asal dari taiping,keje kt bangi..selamat berkenalan semua
DaolordRavenwood the avalon of five element,i mmortal mortal, throne of magical arcana, god of slaughter
Syafix90 aku belajar kat bangi.! Haha
Syafix90 thanks bro
syahir92 mana2 pun boleh..
DaolordRavenwood byk sgt dkt 100 aku baca..wkwkw..klau nk bce yg xklise .. Yg xda repeat2 plot.. Reverend insanity, lps tu yg ada gene2 kt blkg pom ok, yg ad system,yg modern setting(limitless,ccg,strongest abandon son).. Rtw pom ok ,lohp (krg sbb repeat plot thp dewa tp lawak).. Nk yg cintan cintun martial art master tp krg la...nk yg mcm issth soaring the heavens... Kalau minat IET baca lord xue ying(aku mmg minat teruk).. NakΒ² dia exaggerate psl tinggi,jarak(juta2 km)...haha.. Ni dkt qidian jelah novel2 ..kat web lain byk lagi...
syahir92 kau try baca Desolate Era kat wuxiaworld..best gak..
DaolordRavenwood mmg dah lama follow Desolate Era.. Fan IET aku ni wlpn dah tahu kbykkn novel dia style sama je.. Ikut sejak zmn RWX translate stellar transformation lg..first novel coiling dragon pom best... Skrg 9 cauldron,lord xue ying,swallowed star n drsolate era tgh follow.. Desolate era xlama dh nk habis translate.. Lg 3 bulan je..
Hi . Rebirth: How A Loser Became A Prince Charming pon ok cte dia
Try Release That Witch , plot citer best
Kalau The Strongest System & Ultimate Scheming System, sumpah lawak XD !!
Hehe klo minat romance leh try Hidden Marriage & Perfect Secret Love
Monster Paradise,Swallowed Star dan Coiling Dragon , sume ni ko kena try
Oh btw War Sovereign Soaring the Heaven, God of Slaughter, Immortal Mortal
Nampak tajuk cm xbest
Lepas layan puas hati
Waah.. Malaysian sect??.. 4 real???.. nice to meet u all up here...
Hi, I'm sarawakian. Bru perasan ada malaysia sect. Terbaik.
Can anyone suggest any completed Novels? Got stories mix up after reading more than 5 uncompleted novels.sigh.....
Love ur self, as well as ur country for it is ur root and blood and everything lol
Thank god ade juga orang dari malaysia kt sini
DaolordRavenwood the king's avatar. Love it ! Mo fan so cute haha