malaysian here..keep it up
You rock the shit out of your grandma's anuses
Gibbs hey hey hey watch your word dude
Ummm hi guys
MysticalOrigin but I tried all of them
Syafix90 tried them all too
Forty millennium of cultivation?
hello malaysian friends,
i'm not malaysian but i just wanted to stop by to say hi :D
DaolordRavenwood xsilap novel first aku zhang long.. Masa tu lyn manhwa pastu google tgk ada novel..curious then baca novel.. Baca then ckp knp pnjg sgt stiap chapter masa tu xbiasa lagi..pastu drop.. Dlm masa sama trnmpk TDG... Sblm mmg dah layan manhwa... Lyn smpai hbis... Xtahu lg panlong ada novel.. Tgh usha2 kat novel updates terbaca coiling dragon..aikk pkir knp mcm sama panlong.. Wakaka.. Gembira aku xterkata... Usha lagi douluo dalu,btth.. Semua manhwa yg aku lyn ada novel.. Start tu dah manhwa manga byk aku tnggl..dulu kaki manga skrg kaki lite novel..
syahir92 aku pun dtg dri manga jugak..!!! And now..semua manga yg aku baca...terus aku crik light novel dia dri novelupdates..
Miya are most welcome here...
im from asia as well
DaolordRavenwood samalah kita
Wow. This forum is dead already???
Autarch_GRIM nope..not yet..!!! Im still here welcoming more msian.!!!
Ill stand guard over the sect welcoming more and more brothers and sisters before attempting my daomerge.i hope AutarchGrim can replace me in case i failed my daomerge.
DaolordRavenwood lmao.. im a lurker.. just like daoist north river in ccg..
Hi i am from Sabah, reading over 15 novels from 3 sites... Reading 4 novels on Webnovel atm.