N0xiety Wasn't the "Beyong the Language" competition an event?
And I heard that it could be an annual thing. So maybe events like this?
For example participating in the Original Writer or Translator Competition and extra points if won.

Maybe that?

    Yeah I got one too, no idea why I got it. Maybe it's sent to those whose post received many likes or comments. Otherwise, I'm not sure how else one can contribute except for reading the novels and doing their missions like everyone else.

      Midnight_Rayne Well, the easiest way to contribute to the site is by spending $ i would assume. Other than that i have no idea. Maybe they will make it so the ammount of likes you get on your comments have an effect...

        N0xiety spending $ will earn them a profit, having members will increase the site's traffic which means it can make sponsor ads to earn $, then eventually will recognize by many and get a lot of attraction then investors will start to invest and then and so forth.

          N0xiety LMAOOO I did not even think of that. No, I think the easiest way to contribute would be to give constructive criticism about their professionalism. Maybe one day it will sink in. And Magically people will swarm to Qidian so we never have to pay a cent for anything.

            4 days later

            took a look at his comment likes some of them are around 57 maybe that's y?

              Draj Some of my comments are in the 200 likes or somethin and i don't have the badge so i doubt it...

              Draj Kyurem1337 Graphic_2 Look found more. These 2 don't have much likes to their comments...

              I think it's about how many ss you spent on unlocking premium chapters. It has to be the ss bought by money tho i think, so unlocking with daily check in ss won't count. It's not a coincidence that all these people are premium...

                a month later

                I don't know why they haven't released an official announcement regarding this.

                a month later

                N0xiety probably, because i didnt spend much ss i only started using them when i got "such wealth" badge and they started getting expired

                  N0xiety in pretty new here but I've spend about $40 already in SS currently have abt 240somthn SS n I still haven't unlocked the badge yet.. granted I spend 19.99 the last month n jst spend another 19.99 jst last week.. so far I'm reading AGM, GOS, WSSTH, also Immortal Mortal and one other premium novel forgot the title but yeah, I haven't unlock contribution badge yet :-/ does tht mean I need to spend over 50 possibly maybe $100? to unlock it?

                    RaiXEL It also might be the total ammount of ss you bought, but either way the ones who came before you already got the badge easier since there was less competition. There seems to be only 100 spots. So that means someone who started 4 months ago and bought 2000 ss every month would still have an advantage over someone who started a month ago and bought 5000 ss. It probably was easy to get the badge when it first came out since it was easier to get a place in the top 100 in the contribution list, but now i assume it would be hard to get in without buying massive ammounts of ss. Since everyones contribution is increasing as months pass and they buy and spend more and more ss, it will become harder and harder to get the badge for the ones that come after.

                    RaiXEL I spend 50€ and I have the third badge. But I got the badge 2 weeks after buying SS. So I am pretty sure that badges are given in specific time periods too everyone and not individually.

                      Ebu8b Might also be how much of them you spent on novels. e.g. if you bought 5000SS, and you spent all of them, or still have a stash of 4k --> it might be the difference

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