WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Release Kingdom/Amry Building Novels!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We seriously need them.
More novels related to politics also.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Release Kingdom/Amry Building Novels!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We seriously need them.
More novels related to politics also.
Web novel borrowing boucher..
XOMatsumaeohana or divide list by translation and original novels
Free reading will be good for TgIF80
customize library, thanksgiving more ss, add in the search engine by group translator/author(for translation novel)
I do wish there’s a suggestion forum or box for new novels that we can suggest
Helpful2468 do you mean tag "novel pickup request" like this https://forum.webnovel.com/t/novel-pickup-request ?
What about discounts????
Alse for next tgif introduce free reading
Is weekly discountsno longer followed????????
Many of those announcement pages are not available......may I know the reason?
Mass release and ss sale..
Mass releases and the comeback of the 3 free novels and 1 free comic a day.
You guys could do the free reading every 10th tgif with 1 male lead 1 female lead and 1 completed novel.
It would also be nice to have an event only for complete novels. An special event where they’d be half price for a weekend for example. Everyone has at least 1 completed novel on the library that they couldn’t finish reading due to lack of SS...
Also, for the love of all gods @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL please add more NON ROMANCE FEMALE LEAD NOVELS.
The way the pool is now it it useless no matter which novel we vote the one on the pool for 2 weeks will always be the one published for having more votes for being there longer!
I have an amazing idea but I am saving it for TGIF 100!
I don't know about you guys, but that novel called, The Queen's Avatar' seems pretty interesting ;)
It would be nice if you allowed everyone a choice to pick a novel and read for free for 24 hours. That's what i want for tgif 90
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL please have a limited free reading again
edit comment/review button, limited free reading
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL free reading of novels