ucoqid No i mean in Internet, not in CDs
Introducing the Premium program BETA, giving you advanced chapters!
Ifusnipe did what?
Leo it depends on you how you would handle your habit on reading there novels, why not play outside and wait for the following chapter for free... that is not totally a bad thing for you. Just avoid the spoilers.
Clone You know there is nothing in this world is free for a quality kind of service. sometimes we must know and consider the effort of the producers..
Clone and at least they still provide other option to read the novels.
Hyper_pumpkin like i said, pirate. you have to pay too in the official site. man.. they made it for commercial purpose.
Noire No one said anything about paying for SS, and I never said I was, so please do not spread false information without reading correctly. I never use any of my SS and I signed up last year, I only have 450, because they kept expiring and I do not do daily check-ins cause I'm not rabid reader like everyone else seems to be so please, stop with the accusations and assumptions, it is not appreciated.
I don't support and love any website, I am a consumer and am very much allowed, whether it's free or paid to hold everything I AM CONSUMING to a standard. Just because you buya ratchet computer at bestbuy that the "Geek Squad" fixed up for you does not mean everyone else wants to continue using the same junk k?
It didn't really matter when stuff was free because it was like who cares it's free, but as we got more comfortable we realized we liked the books they are cool, it's not like you can just go and pick this up in a library, they don't even have this stuff. I support the author, everything is a cog in the machine to get the authors voice to me. Qidian = Cog, employee's of Qidian = Cog, Translators = Cog, not to dehumanize anyone but generally once you are part of a company, franchise or even a movement you become unseen and everything is about the cause and not the actual you. So I don't care about Qidian, and I don't care about the translators, what I care about is the story, the quality of that story and how to make that story available to more people and share with everyone I know because essentially that is what people write, that is what people do art for.
Of course we need companies like QIdian to help spread the art, and when a company starts to abuse something, or not take the best care of the artwork, I have a right to complain and so should anyone else. You have no right to tell people to be grateful, and yes no in so many words did you say so but let's get real we all know where you were going. So stop being so grateful and start getting critical because the more grateful you are the more chapters they will begin to take from you until you are left with no new releases and your SS? They might just go out the window, so what about then? Should I tell you to be grateful you got to read even a little bit? Oh sure I don't mind tell you that, I might even put on a brilliant smile for you then.
[Disclaimer: I am in no way saying that Qidian will not continue to have free users, just trying to make a point that there is a possibility for such things to happen and being grateful will probably lead to such ends]
ihateqi As far as I know, reading the other chapter or advance chapter for free ads block is also appearing for service itself but i dont know right now..
14 chapters to 7 chapters per week
Sounds good to me as long as you dont have any mistake in your translations. There's plenty you can do to waste time waiting for the chapters.
Noire This can be complicated. First of all if they would do to that the a piracy will start being a thing. Till now you could just watch 15 sec. ad and get your entertainment. Those demanding are happy (15 sec. isn't much time) and quidan get's add revenue. With paywall, especially with a lot of chapters behind it quidan could loose those people and revenue for pirates. Second, right now, most of those chapter either free, or easily accessible can have some mistakes in them. Like, i love RtW but even i with english as my second language can recognize that translation quality can... change from time to time, with paywall, and license those mistakes are inexcusable. You're paying, you're rightfully demand quality. Third one, i think that blocking those novel could be more complicated than we think, with law and contract negotiations.
VirtualFrappe how about fixing the log in button first on their application for android and ios user.. it was very disturbing to found out that you can't read a novel cause you can't normally log-in just like what you did before.
Noire I dare qidian to block ppl, stop saying the same thing again and again.
What do you mean by demanding ppl, ppl who visit qidian increase their hits and traffic which means a decent ad revenue. It's not about right or wrong it's about what the majority of your consumers want.
DarkLordMisty via. Paypal?
ucoqid Have you tried download movies that showed in cinemas 3 yrs later?
Barewolf I like the personality and perspective that you see for the improvement of the everything.
I'm happy that there is Premium For Free. Thank you so much for including this option!
Elephantgun Although they give some alternative options, still majority of consumers?
Flezxy what makes you more favorable? having a premium membership for a month or just buying some SS stone to unlock the following chapters. hmmm.. looks like there is a small similarity between the two..
Calm down mates, we got PFF, still hoping for that ad = chapter unlock thingy though, as it's good for us and Qi will reap benefits too, 1 minute of wasted life only....
Yeah I get it, really, my point is its not like its premium(bad naming of qidian-make it sound quite special i guess) is pay to read, it's not. Flaff is intentionally and maliciously trying to make it look bad. It will not force you to pay for SS just to read premium. You receive SS everyday for free just by checking in, voting, and in the future a dedicated watchable ads that will give you additional SS. No one even mentioned that qidian is currently losing in the ads side and can't give enough royalties to their translators and editors. Did anyone mention that? No one did and its in the damn announcement. Every complaint made has always been selfishly claiming for something that they have not earned for for themselves.
Does that mean that patreon releases should also be perfectly translated and edited? Why didn't flaff mention that? xD I've found dozens of misspelled words, grammar errors, none that annoying. I'm sure someone will make a comeback "patreon is all about support" well then premium chapters are also for support, so why are people so intent on targeting only this?
Remember, even if you hate this website, this website is currently supporting many translators and editors. Not to mention that most of people's beloved chinese novel came from qidian. So stop being bitter and petty and move on. We are here for our reading choices not to be annoyed by some political movement.
Clone well at your point of view, you can still pay nothing by just waiting for chapter to be unlock like you must wait after 200 days.. hahahaha
Zefipalu I agree I would rather pay for an ebook with good editing since some translations need more work and I would not pay for a book with that kind of quality. And if I like the novel I would buy the book. I think Gravity Tales released their first ebook.
Noire Dude I agree with you.
Lets support QI
Hyper_pumpkin nope, but I'm sure you have to without pirate it. cause I've spend US$1 for ps2 game that released ten years ago. US$1.
and just to reminder, you said 3 months before.
Primal_Moz lets do try to ask the admin to increase the number to spirit stones gain when waiting for the ad to get it finished.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Just answer this question: Why the costs for each chapter is not the same? One was 14, the next 13, the last 19. There's a formula that calculates the cost of the chapter based in the number of letters / lines / time that you spend translating? If so, where's the methodology? It will be public? I will get refund (in SS) if the methodology is not right? I will need to pay to get SS and then spend in random chapters to discover if is a chapter that was worth or not (in terms of length x price)?
The premium series will be just for the most popular series? New series will not be supressed if they become premium before they have N number of chapters? And the series that is in sync with China (like The Path Toward Heaven), they will never become premium? Or I will need to pay everyday to read what the author have written? If so, new and less popular series will never earn money?
And more, as studied by Mikhail Bakhtin, Ângela Fanini, Guglielmo Cavallo & Roger Chartier and Socorro Vilar, all of then are specialists in Literature, more specific in Feuilleton (and between you and me, we can more than agree that webnovels are the feuilleton of XXI century), say that this type of business model give more incentives for the author to write as many chapters as possible without carrying with quality (fillers; recurrent use of melodramatic and theatrical elements like use of four basic feelings: fear, enthusiasm, pain and laughter, each personified by four characters, the Traitor, the Punisher, the Victim and the Fool; GOOD x EVIL; divide history into three basic acts: in the first act, the harmony of the family is disturbed by some factor; in the second, the forces of Evil seem to triumph; finally, in the third, the hero overcomes the forces of Evil and reestablishes the old order; etc...). obviously some good thing can come from this, like Crime and Punishment or The Count of Monte Cristo or The Three Musketeers (that were as we know now, heavily edited and with a lot of cuts if compared with the original compilation) , but as cited above and observable in a lot of Qindian novels this business model may inflict a bigger drop in quality. What strategy Qindian has to prevent that from happening?
There are some problems with this business model and I want to know how they are gonna fix it?
SomeMnlightSculptr i thought ''ad'' chapters are already been removed and make it as a premium instead.
I'll just wait at the sides, but if Qi heard my prayers, they'll give both 'premium' chapter, and ads to unlock said chapter to us, faint chance though...
Still I support Qi, or else it'll be reading japanese LNs again (the cycle of doom, japs and chinese interchanged)
ucoqid Oh, I thought you had any since you mentioned the pirate
Well whatever, my point is premium chapters is similar to Cinemas. Wait until it becomes free or pay now to watch the movie
Malakacrazy Do they have a problem with the business model they are using or I guess qidian is still trying to release a better quality of translation of novels per chapter.. well in business it was really a challenge for the company to justified that the money was used for the service must have the equality of return to the user or beneficiary.
ZenByMoonlight Me too bro me too
Lets support QI
Noire Remember, even if you hate this website, this website is currently supporting many translators and editors.
what do you mean? All i did was shared my opinion with the intention to help you to understand about her post. I don't think my post indicated i hate this site, i don't even say anything about your opinion!
ZenByMoonlight We still have the chance to gain more Spirit Stones, but I suggest that the administrator must also at least increase it free ss gained from its different ways.. cause it was really arguable that it was not fair for the readers who just really motivated to read a novel for a free time.
Morgana_lefay "Compared to other sites and fan translations with less than 7 and disgusting consistency, qi is still so much better. Not to mention you have free spirit stones everyday you can use to get more. Also, don't forget that there are also methods to acquire ss like inviting people where you can get rich right away."
Noire You are about to set me off. I will say to you again if you can fucking read! It is my right to my opinion, I am not making premium look bad, I giving my demands for future endeavors. IF I pay, because you do know there is a pay option if you pull your head out of your ass real quick you will see there is one. With this pay option they get the same exact thing that you get for free.
So let's think about the logic for a second, if you read the same chapters for free, that are choppy and translation mistake ridden FOR FREE, you go oh it's ok cause it's free. Now flip the script, your not a person who reads for free because you have strong values and wish you enrich the environment so you pay, and you read the same crappy translation mistakes, how does that make the person who paid feel? Do they shake it off and go eh? it's just a causal mistake? No they go I paid for this shit!?!? I PAID FOR THIS SHIT!!! And they never buy again or worse yet tell people not to buy the crappy novels at qidian because they do not take care of those who pay.
I am not intentionally trying to make anythign look bad so get over yourself. I am intentionally shedding the light on some dark truths of paying for just about anything. If I buy a doll i expect that doll to be pretty and to work the way i expected it to work when I bought it. I do not expect for the dolls arm to fall off after first use in playing with it. When the arms fall off you know what i do? I go marching back to the damn store that sold it, say WTF! And any sane person would too, you get what you pay for and qidian novels aren't worth a cent right now the way they are. For me to invest in qidian and the future of it, I need to see progress and right now you glossing over shit is not helping anyone just making you look like a damn fool.
I hope you get exactly what your looking for with qidian, have a happy marriage. I am going to end this since a Certain leech and gorky have taught me, no point arguing with idiots they will forever be posers.
Hyper_pumpkin Support
N0xiety welcome to the world of VIP. but remember just enjoy reading the novel don't get too much addicted or it will cost you real money for the real world of economy.
Elephantgun what do you think qidian will do if they do a monthly membership in terms of releasing some updates.
Rokuman_24 Or delete the SS system. Still, for me, the best combination is always 'premium' and ads to unlock chapters