Noire You are about to set me off. I will say to you again if you can fucking read! It is my right to my opinion, I am not making premium look bad, I giving my demands for future endeavors. IF I pay, because you do know there is a pay option if you pull your head out of your ass real quick you will see there is one. With this pay option they get the same exact thing that you get for free.
So let's think about the logic for a second, if you read the same chapters for free, that are choppy and translation mistake ridden FOR FREE, you go oh it's ok cause it's free. Now flip the script, your not a person who reads for free because you have strong values and wish you enrich the environment so you pay, and you read the same crappy translation mistakes, how does that make the person who paid feel? Do they shake it off and go eh? it's just a causal mistake? No they go I paid for this shit!?!? I PAID FOR THIS SHIT!!! And they never buy again or worse yet tell people not to buy the crappy novels at qidian because they do not take care of those who pay.
I am not intentionally trying to make anythign look bad so get over yourself. I am intentionally shedding the light on some dark truths of paying for just about anything. If I buy a doll i expect that doll to be pretty and to work the way i expected it to work when I bought it. I do not expect for the dolls arm to fall off after first use in playing with it. When the arms fall off you know what i do? I go marching back to the damn store that sold it, say WTF! And any sane person would too, you get what you pay for and qidian novels aren't worth a cent right now the way they are. For me to invest in qidian and the future of it, I need to see progress and right now you glossing over shit is not helping anyone just making you look like a damn fool.
I hope you get exactly what your looking for with qidian, have a happy marriage. I am going to end this since a Certain leech and gorky have taught me, no point arguing with idiots they will forever be posers.