Hello there webnovel staff,
I really like to read novel from this website..
Especially using the app..
But latelly why the app is becoming more hard to use..
Like fanfic page..
I know its good to seperate beetwen what kind of fanfic it is..
But there are a problem..
For exp.. i want to read harry potter fanfic..
And in fanfic page you only show about 6 novel if im not wrong..
And didnt have any option to show more..
Please add that option..

Next, before when using app..
I can see what other novel that author write, when i click on his profile..
But now i cant.. so thats make me hard to read that author other book..
Please bring back that feature..

Next, i often found some bug related to unread chapter..
So i got notif for unread chapter.. but when i click the book.. there are no new chapter..
I ask my friend who is author.. he said that sometime the chapter they upload is not uploading properly.. so he need to reupload the chapter before.. and upload the new chapter..
Idk how that work.. so please try to find out why did this happen..

Next, lately i feel that the loading time when i want to open the webnovel app is becoming longer..
Idk if it my internet problem or app problem..
But i feel my internet is good.. and didnt have any problem at all..

Anyway i think thats all from me..
Thank you..

    Ah.. i forgot 1 more..
    About notif setting..
    Why i cant turn it off?
    And even when i am turning it on.. it will be have delay about 30 mins before i got the notif of that new chapter..
    Please fix that up..
    Thank you..


      I personally think he has made some fairly good points.

      Especially allowing us to see the novels an author writes on their profile page.

        it's not just your internet, the loading time for the app have become alot longer especially after the latest app update. at least the loading time has become significantly longer on android

          Let me add one more : after watching an ad, getting a message saying ad rewards are not available and to try again later. After. The. Advertisement. Are you f-ing kidding me?

          Also the incessant spam about activating localisation. I don't want to. Stop sending me the popup, damnit.

          I really hate the fact that I disabled notifications but still get them on my phone. Even if my phone just vibrates, it's still enough to distract me at work or wake me up in the middle of the night. The alarm on my phone is a vibration, and that's plenty enough to wake me up from a deep sleep.

          Shouldn't disabling notifications make them stop coming? It's fine if they send notices or messages or whatever for me to see when I open the app, but I don't like be harassed by this stuff all the time. Do I need to delete the app when it's not in use or what?

            Moloch True. After the last update the library's loading time is so slow that I no longer use the app. I now access the library via web browser. But the problem with the web version is we can't gain points for reading and there is no option to list the novels by the Last Updated option.

              Angko I did that when I first downloaded the app. It looks like one of the updates added a system notifications option, so I disabled that as well. Hopefully, that will bring this obnoxiousness to an end.

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