Hello everybody, I found out that you can like your own comment. I know what you want to say, you have found it ages ago, right?

Anyway, I alway like my own comment, do you do it?

If yes, then you are really shameless! Ant that’s good, my fellow daoist!

This is a god like cultivation skill! If you are thick skinned(shameless) enought, then you will invincible! No attack till hurt you!

Let us cultivate this skill together!

    ... There's really no point... If Qi ever implements a Reddit-like comments section (which they should) they'll probably remove the self-like feature.

      NekoNeko yes but so awkward when the name in the post is the same as the name in the like list.

        I always like my own comments.
        The only problem is you comment, then you like your own comments. Now you need to go to your inbox because you have an alert! You check your inbox and it's just telling you that you liked your own comment.


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