ANormalStickFort want a bummer. thanks for the info.

- Jan 19, 2019
- Joined Nov 24, 2017
chapter was just released yesterday but the front page for it is just a bunch of lines. no chapters, summary, or description anymore.
was recently picked up last month.
ShadowWolfXIII yellow mountain was portrayed as a slow typer... the image showed him hunting for or the "y" key with his two index fingers.
Mute Ugh. Those people are a waste of review space.
- Edited
Mute I think it's fair to review the translation speed, however I don't think it should influence the rating of the story. That should be based on the content itself. Like someone else said, you can get an idea of the content from a few chapters, especially if those chapters are hardy. So reviewing a story based on a few chapters should be fair enough, short stories even more so.
Although... are there any short stories on here? I've looked at a few that were complete, they were always in the hundreds of pages in length.
- Edited
This post was only posted 12 hours ago... Just be patient. Also... Aren't they on break still or no?
- In TGIF # 4
What a cool Friday. And to boot it was a full moon.
i keep seeing wear the devil recommended a lot. is it really so good? is it similar to my discipline died yet again only bl version?
Silver_Moon789 for general bl try Utsukushii Koto. It's a pretty solid modern day romance. And if you liked Kill the Lights (in my reread pile) try Ti Shen by Bei Tang Mo (not completely translated though).
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL enjoy your vacation you sassy group of people.
and come back refreshed!
- In Night mode
MooOooN check your phone "accessibility" menu. It may have some options. Mine has invert and color correction.
Haha I'm voting for that one everyday not because I like it but because I don't want the miss dandy title to win. Let it's losing streak continue!
Frk_ozbk honestly your English really isn't that bad.
Even native speakers when they type will have a lot of typos. I figure if you're missing a word or mangled another it's probably because of autocorrect or fat thumb syndrome. Because let's face, it most people are on here not through a desktop but through their mobiles devices.Kingfisher yeah MTLs make selectively see and unsee things.
NekoNeko yes but so awkward when the name in the post is the same as the name in the like list.
Frk_ozbk I prefer more quantity as long as they are not too atrocious.
Premium for free Jan10st, 2018.
Maybe should Feb 10th, 2018?Faruel I can understand the angst of not wanting to pay for something you've always had for free, it's hard. however I disagree with the inability to read and try knew titles if there is a (possibly variable) cost to getting the latest chapters. Keep in mind the older chapters are still free and ad-free. So those can still be read at random for exploration purposes.
Quantity - to a certain extent. I can always auto correct grammar in my head. Missing words, wrong pronouns, incorrect adverbs adjectives etc...are easy to spot and understand. And if I'm really annoyed I just edit in a word doc. So grammatical errors really don't bother me much.
Errors in patterns of speech and identification do. These kinds of errors can change the meaning of a paragraph and make the story insensible.