I read for 3 hours and only 1 minute was counted towards the reading time rewards.

    Another 2 hours of reading and this time nothing was counted, did you change the read time counter to only work on chapters you used spirit stones to read? @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL

    • SinB replied to this.

      Are you reading from your phone? ipad? PC?
      It does not work if you are reading from PC, it works a little better from the ipad and it works the best from the phone... at least thats how it works for me.

        Well, it wasn't so bad for me.
        But I feel the minutes counter has been made slower than the actual time.

          missyjck Yeah, used to be like 2-3 minutes of real time equals 1 minute counted for me

            I might be wrong, but when this feature was introduced, there was an explanation that reading time depends on the word count of a chapter.
            And there is a limit of how much time you can get from a single chapter, depending on its length.

              Exinaus Makes sense, but to have 5 hours of reading only count 1 minute is just crazy

                Laoshi I also saw a reply that reading time counts when you scroll page slowly. So, if you are reading in page mode (when you need to tap on a screen to switch pages), that might be a problem.
                Also, if you are reading slowly, and don't need to scroll page often, consider to increase font size: less text on a screen - more scrolling.

                  Exinaus That’s a good idea, I use scrolling but I guess I don’t scroll often enough

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