The rank of the phone was not updated a long time ago, it is a pity, it was very easy to find good fanfic to read looking only the rank in the old days.

SinB Its only on the mobile app... on the website, There are no fanfic rank last I checked... and they are gone from the original ranking

    Fanfiction rankings are now separate from the original rankings. Fanfiction now has its own ranking.

      They are promoting and enforcing the use of their app, be careful with this though as all chinese apps will always try to access your phone and leave backdoors. Contacts also won't work unless your are using their app.

      the classification of translations is also gone

        Did QI get hacked or are they this incompetent? Someone needs to get fired for whatever they're doing.

        TriCrus well it’s not the first we’re kept in the dark, it’s a little upsetting since at times we don’t know what’s going on

          Either way, if there was an alternative that was as good functionally as this website I woulda switched by now... The amount of bad faith the company has shown to readers and authors is kinda disgusting.

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