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Honestly I want to leave reviews on works that I stop by and try but I get intimidated.
My opinions are detailed and maybe even honestly harsh. I notice how for the most part reviews are seemingly all high on other works when statistically and realistically that can't be the case. Sometimes authors will delete those not high reviews and complain about being bullied/abuse by 'mean haters' and I fear I'll be taken as one of them, I don't even bother.
So I'm trying the thing I see in forums by other users.
I'll read at least a decent percent of any story(s) you want and truthfully review it. Any genre, just link it.
But I'm not going to fluff up a review and spare your egos/feelings. In no way am I insulting anyone's work, I'm a struggling and growing writer myself, but you may not like the brutally honest review. Us authors have glass hearts sometimes, I get it.
If you want a free constructive and possibly painful review, leave me a link or @ me in this post with a request.
Edit: In response to the new requests: I don't think some of you understand. I will Simon Cowell your novels. I will nit pick and movie comment with popcorn as I scroll through it before finely searing you like a well poked steak. I'm not out to drag your scores down but I am not "nice" or giving free 5stars.
Note 3: if you literally just post a link and some copy paste msg "review" without much human though/sentences. Not even a request. I will ignore you to save everyone's time. I fear you didn't read, don't know what you're getting into, or just looking to gather mass reviews.