Fenryr First of, thank you for all that feedback. While some of it I assuemd to be obvious or obvious enough, I defenitly will need to see about being more clear about such thigns in the future.
Now for a point by point response of what I tried to convey/do, most of which obiously failed:
1) is a fair point. I originaly started it to get some variance form paragraph long 'she...she..he..he', but might have gone overbaord with it.
2) very valid point of criticism now that you point it out. I assumed it was okayish conveyed that she was basicly going 'I just want to head home dammit' the whole time.
3) Well that is an interesting point. That is something I assumed I wouldn't need to specifcy her doing, seeing as there were multiple times the story jumped a couple days ahead and most of the story relevant aspects were shown 'on screen'.
4) Nah she only made some knives before at most. The fact it actually came out of quenching and tempering in one piece I chalk up to a mix of good luck, and gladius ex machina.
As for temperature, about as high as she can imagine, thouhg control is more so-so, which feeds back into the above point about how she managed to not wreck the blade.
Also not sure how far you read, but the moment she goes up against decently made and maintained weapons it starts to show just how bad her attempt at swordmaking actualy was.
5) no cameras on Campus as far as she is aware, if there would be a fight on the streets the fox would be out of the bag though.
6) well freely back into the spirit world. to get to the Human world requires a lot of skill and reserves. which is why they require the aid of the ancient hermit sage to actualy do it without the boss lady giving the go ahead.
As for the 'evil' spirits, their main issue is that like attracts like so trying to pass between worlds around their camp(which is about where the campus is in the real world) means they come out the door closest to the 'strongest' Magical entity nearby. Not to mention them lacking peopel as skilled as Onyu or Inuka
Again thank you very much for all the insights, especially as I thought I had some already shown/explained adequatly when writing.
Making a note of all this I hope to avoid such shortcomings in the future.