
  • Nov 12, 2019
  • Joined Sep 14, 2019
  • I assume it is because of the tiny audience one can expect from German. Outside Germany, Switzerland and Austria, i can't recal any country with german as its primary language.
    Compare that to spanish, french or Englisch which are All used in Both european and american countries, which Gives a much wider Potential reach.

    • when reading a story here, there should be a button labeled 'write a review' or somehting similar after the last chapter. When viewing a stories profile, there should be a similar button on the lower half of the page.

      As for what it is for, the same thign any review is for. To share your impressions and experiences with others, and rate how well whatever the review is about was.
      Ideally they also allow Readers to point out weaknesses in the writing to the author so they can improve themselves.

    • SungchulKim in my Personal experience there are two types of mmo based stories:
      A) those that break down the moment you try to Look at the game, which would never work, or at least be a niche title at Best if not an out right flop. Which is sadly exceedingly common the bigger the stories stakes get, as such stories are more common to have esport like elements despite their games being extremly unlilely to ever get that much success. (i.e. Sword Art Online, which according to the numbers given for its launch sales would have been a Studio breaking flop.)
      B) those you cant Focus on reading because the game being played by the characters sounds so awesome you want to play your self. But still dig through because the Story is still compeling as it gets.

      Sadly type B are exceedingly rare. So my tip for writing an MMO focused Story would be to first do some Research into Why currently successfull videogames are as successfull as they are. Then keep all that in mind when designing the game you want to Set your Story in. Which is probably as Much if not more work then worldbuilding for an accurate medival fantasy setting.

      • ChuYang It took me close to 10 months to finish the book.
        From the start I aimed it at a rough wordcount of 40-50k, orienting myself on the avergae lenght of a Light Novel. Which in the end came out to 41 chapters plus a short epilogue.
        While a few details were only hashed out during the writing, the ending remained still the same, at least in broad strokes. (the final climactic battle still features the same primary combatants and ends exactly how it was originaly imagined, but some details around that drifted around a tad.)
        That said, it was also intended to be more akin to an origin story to open the gates of the setting I had in mind for a while, which will have at least a couple more LN-sized stories in it once I get around to writing them.

        • Well as this little idea for what I hope to be a funny little forum game with a side serving of a bit of publicity for novels.
          The idea is as follows:
          1.: Post a synopsis (1 paragraph long) you think matches the title posted directly above you.
          2.: (optional) quote the actual synopsis from two posts above and a link to the work.
          3.: Put up the Title, and only the title (No link, no cover, etc.) of a Novel here on Webnovel(can be yours, just keep to the spirit of this excercise)

          Short example to illustrate

          last Title: The Blue Pearl

          Post 1:
          1.: A Mystical blue pearl has been caught in a young fishermans Net. Since then he has been hearing oddly enchanting songs at night, and sometimes woken up on the sand of the nearby beach. Will this mystery be finaly solved when he comes face to face with a siren during a midnight stroll on the beach?
          3.: The Foolhardies

          Post 2:

          1.: "Of course I'm in" Jeff retorted, unknowingly setting off a series of evants that would end up shattering his world view. Pledge-week at utopiauniversity was allways a laugh, at least for those like Jeff who got to have their fun with the new students. But when a prank he helped set up for another Fraternity turns sideways, the laughter dies in their trhoats.


          Before Roqsar went under a rampage of a runaway beast of Endahar, Tristan was a happy wizard in training, learning magic in secret by his Master.
          They have now been suffering for a month before ‘help’ arrives from the renowned Guild of Sharak.
          His little village is infected by the plague brought in by the beast, and they know it is too late for them. Ava, the healer sent in from Sharak isn’t going to be able to save them either.
          Tristan has seen almost his entire village dying before his eyes – his home, his family and now it’s his Master’s turn.
          Nowsen had taken away Tristan’s sickness because he was too old to live any longer and wanted to protect his only student.
          Before the plague takes the best of him, Nowsen gives him his last order. He hands over Tristan an ancient Medallion and asks him to throw it as far as possible without giving him the reason. Least to Nowsen’s knowledge, someone has been prying into him through the Medallion.
          When Tristan is alone with the old copper disk, he out of curiosity channels his own magic into it to see what happens and without realizing gets possessed by a Sorceress.


          3.: The Alterra Project

        • So semi-shameless selfpromotion (semi because the thread is only about it)
          Kitsune - an eventfull time abroad

          The story follows Laura through part of her exchange semester at the fiktive Yamatanuki University. Which might not sound like a terribly original or interesting plot, until the German student get's stuck in the middle of two conflicttng factions of spirits. Which of course needs to be dealt with on top of regular coursework.

          • Well this was just about to get awkward, glad I read through the thread before suggesting you check out your own novel. (yes I totaly missed you being the author and linking to the Foolhardies already)
            As luck would have it though I do have anothe rnovel I've been following for a bit that fits and is decently written:
            The Blue Perl by Elsbro Sparka (
            So far (only got to chapter 15 so far, had to take a little break to catch up on other reading) it is a quite intriguing mix of Fantasy mystery and to an extent horror set in a roughly medievalish town overrun by something supernatural.

            • Well for the first book (which is gettign it's last chapters on friday) it looks like this:

              1- Kitsune - An eventfull time abroad (Magical realism/Urban fantasy)
              3- Spending a Semester studying abroad will always leave a mark on a person. Especially when you are confronted with more than just a different culture, as Laura experiences first hand when a simple hike in the Japanese alps leads her to encounters with Spirits and Monsters she never believed in.
              4- I would love to get to use 'Die wilde jagd' from Faun

              6- The Pagen-folk music gives of a medival/fantasy vibe on it's own, and the lyrics are appropriatly magic and have a poor young woman hunted by something not quite natural.

              Sadly the follow up short story is not even close to being published, as it would have an even better fitting theme/intro song, seeing as it is mostly set to happen on the night 30.04 -01.05.: 'Walpurgisnacht' also by Faun (

            • Fenryr Because none of them think that far ahead. They see the vixen that presumably, I mean how would a lowly human kill a mighty spirit cough cough, and dont think it through when they charge her like the semi dumb muscle they are.
              So for Laura it's more of a case of self-defense.
              Spoiler If you haven't got to chapter 36 yet!!

              There is an instance where she does just that, let them leave with a wave after a bit.

              End spoiler

              • Fenryr First of, thank you for all that feedback. While some of it I assuemd to be obvious or obvious enough, I defenitly will need to see about being more clear about such thigns in the future.
                Now for a point by point response of what I tried to convey/do, most of which obiously failed:
                1) is a fair point. I originaly started it to get some variance form paragraph long 'she...she..he..he', but might have gone overbaord with it.
                2) very valid point of criticism now that you point it out. I assumed it was okayish conveyed that she was basicly going 'I just want to head home dammit' the whole time.
                3) Well that is an interesting point. That is something I assumed I wouldn't need to specifcy her doing, seeing as there were multiple times the story jumped a couple days ahead and most of the story relevant aspects were shown 'on screen'.
                4) Nah she only made some knives before at most. The fact it actually came out of quenching and tempering in one piece I chalk up to a mix of good luck, and gladius ex machina.
                As for temperature, about as high as she can imagine, thouhg control is more so-so, which feeds back into the above point about how she managed to not wreck the blade.
                Also not sure how far you read, but the moment she goes up against decently made and maintained weapons it starts to show just how bad her attempt at swordmaking actualy was.
                5) no cameras on Campus as far as she is aware, if there would be a fight on the streets the fox would be out of the bag though.
                6) well freely back into the spirit world. to get to the Human world requires a lot of skill and reserves. which is why they require the aid of the ancient hermit sage to actualy do it without the boss lady giving the go ahead.
                As for the 'evil' spirits, their main issue is that like attracts like so trying to pass between worlds around their camp(which is about where the campus is in the real world) means they come out the door closest to the 'strongest' Magical entity nearby. Not to mention them lacking peopel as skilled as Onyu or Inuka

                Again thank you very much for all the insights, especially as I thought I had some already shown/explained adequatly when writing.
                Making a note of all this I hope to avoid such shortcomings in the future.

                • I do indeed:
                  Short outline:
                  When Laura decided to go for a hike at the start of her exchange semester in Japan, the engineering student expected a few hours relaxing in nature with little consequence. Of course with the powers that be she is now instead in the midst of a supernatural civil war.

                  I hope you'll like it. If not, mind letting me know why?

                  • CCmei well seeing as getting my work dissected painfully will probably give me more pointers for how to improve my writing for future installments/stories than the 'reviews' from swaps that may not even read it, sure give me your worst.
                    Short Synopsis: There were somethings Laura expected to happen during the first week of ehr exchange semester in Japan. Meeting new people, bureaucracy, getting lost on campus and a hike through the nearby japanese alps. which lead to the unexpected events of which meeting a talking Tanuki was just the very first.

                    • ILLYAchan
                      So I did read through it, and whiel it defentily is a good story, and I would suggest people coming through here to look for fantasy stories to give it a read, it is not quite what I was looking for, so only time will tell if and when I finish it myself.

                    • LordSputnik
                      went through it for a bit, and it was quite an interesting story. Not sure if I'll finish it someday, as I normally prefer to see sci-fi or play sci-fi over reading it, but I did quite like what I read, and think people looking for Sci-Fi should defenitly give your story a chance.

                      • GD_Cruz Amazon most likely.

                        Atelier of a witch hat is a manga Series that follows a Group of young girls Training to be witches. It mostly impressed me with the way magic is done in the setting and how it had actualy somewhaz sensible guidlines for the students to how to keep how magic is done secret.

                        Milenium rule is a book Series that begins with the book 'Thief's Magic' and follows its two Protagonists on their journey first through their homeworlds then through a multiverse where every 1000 years the strongest mage Alive is said to be killed by a stronger rival. Which is currently ocerdue.

                      • Tomoyuki
                        Roughly yeah, although I personally disliked Goblin Slayer. (Which doesn't mean it's bad, just not for me)
                        When looking at (semi) recently done Mangas or Books for a rough ballpark 'Atelier of a Witch Hat' or 'Milenium Rule' come to mind.

                        • GD_Cruz
                          I will, it's a tad on the back burner for now (got a 6hour train ride coming up later this week, so I am saving some reading material for then.)

                          And I wholey agree that we need more Fantasy in the vein of Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Percy Jackson or even Harry Potter. Even if they are not on the same level as those titans of Literature, it would be nice to see unproven authors share their worlds.

                          • GD_Cruz
                            Man I am glad to see there are Urban fantasy stories doing well enough here on WN to get votes and a rating.

                            As for your story itself, I put most of my thoughts into the review, thanks for pointing me in your, rather appropriate, direction.

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