
  • Sep 6, 2021
  • Joined Dec 31, 2017
  • Hello!

    I have a question for anyone who wants to discuss this topic. I was recently reading a novel (not going to say what or where just that it wasnt on this site) and it had at least 1 emoticon per 2 chapters. Ex: a simple (O.O) to express surprise or more complicated ones.
    Now, I use these myself in casual texting or with friends, but for me it makes the book feel more... childish and it honestly turned me off reading the book. Id like to read descriptions of emotions or actions rather than basically a picture... Now, its possible I just read one that wasnt doing this right. Maybe there is a book out there that uses emoticons and it livens up the story and also has descriptions. If so id love to take a look! But what are peoples thoughts on these when you are reading a novel? Are there people who enjoy it? Of so please let me know why, maybe you can help me see the light :)

    • Sani2341 haha true! Very true. That makes sense. Lol. But either way great job and Ill be following your novel so keep it up! <3

    • Sani2341 haha its possible you did and I missed it. Readers arnt perfect either ;) thats just what I experienced.

      The thing for point 6 id just like to clarify is yes they appear near her... but why do they attack and not just meander away? If I was suddenly a kitsune and evil spirits kept appearing next to me and attacking (because honestly at this point she has no die hard need to stop this bandit/evil spirits besides they attack her) Id be like "hell yeah" when one just waved and walked away.

      • This is really great of you and a good way of finding people who care about reviews. You may get a bad apple or two every so often but you are a fantastic writer and reviewer from what I've seen. It may feel like wasted work on those who dont appreciate it (even though they ask for it) but it helps you in the end as well as you get better at writing and picking out things to improve... :)

        • Sani2341
          I read it and its really good and I will keep following the story! Though I do have some feedback as you requested for parts I didnt like or maybe could be improved? :) Spoilers for those who havnt read:
          1) The over use of The German/American/Kitsune etc is driving me nuts lol. You can use identifiers like that but to me it seems you use them way too much. (Though I am not an english major, just my opinion)
          2) Her going along with the flow in the spirit world seemed a bit unrealistic, even if she was holding it together as the MC we usually can see her thoughts or there are manerisms that show her 'putting on a brave face' such as taking a deep breath to center her mind, or asking for a few minutes to comprehend instead of just shrugging and going along with it
          3) She doesnt in the least bit seem concerned shes no longer human or what that truely means. Is there laws for spirits? How long will she live? Is this permanent? Is she in some way bound to the spirit that changed her? She asks no real questions about her transformation, nor does she even research anything about kitsunes afterwords. Being that she is one now I would start digging up some lore or or pestering her spirit friends for more information.
          4) Has she made a sword before? Cuz of this is her first time the sword is undoubtebly gunna be shoddy, even if she did alot of research. Knowledge and experience are two different things. Plus using her fire on the sword is something that would have to be practiced and tested. How hot is her fire? Can she control it to specific degrees? Even the most experienced blacksmith gets cracks in the metal sometimes doing something they know, let alone something new.
          5) is there cameras in the school? Or even on the street like traffic cameras? If she fights a spirit how can she promise to keep things on the down low if she has no idea if there are recording devices around?
          6) Why can she travel freely back and forth but the bad guys cant? Why do they care about her? Do the bad guy thing and just come to the human world, pick a spot, and start building up your empire. If they ignore the kitsune, except to watch her, maybe they will be ignored in turn. If not, once they get started raking in money hire a human hitman, she dies like everyone else that we know of. Sniper to head = dead. Because clearly the agreement/seal thing is breaking. If they can fight in the open which clearly impacts humans they can start dealing drugs or doing other illegal things to make quick cash.

          • Hello everyone,

            Im looking for novels with a strong female MC. I am not a real fan of the romance slog here particularily, i want action, adventure, etc... really just an MC that holds her own and doesnt have this cliche man in orbit around her telling her shes his or whatever. Anyone got some for me? Please and thank you :)

            • Clowniac
              Its pretty obvious on how they are interperating it. If you look at the Explore section "Female Lead" is just a romance section and many non romance female lead novels end up in the male lead section. They are going back on their word, Female Lead means targeted to a female audience.

              • sofifdzl
                If you go to Explore section of the app it shows Female Lead section with all the romance.
                I think Webnovel equates romance with Female MC

                • handmadesolace

                  Im still working through these but I enjoy these ones. Female MC is pretty badass

                  1) Its not easy to be a man after traveling to the future

                  2) Zombie sister strategy

                  • CCmei
                    To be fair I started your castaway novel as soon as I read your comment before and I am so bummed it only has 16 chapters! :P I love it and will def be following your stories if/when each one releases. Your twin novel is great as well :) release when you have time and ignore the haters if you get any (I know there is problems with people sometimes). Know I may not comment much as I am a more silent reader but Im there and I love them both :) coughs though if I had to choose castaways has drawn me in and umm ahem not that Im playing favorites or anything but that one would be my choice for mass releases grins

                    • CCmei oooh hello there. Im reading your novel on RR as well... adds other book
                      And thats interesting where you got filed, Ill just assume that thats not a female mc section its the romance section then lol

                      • I would just like to come out and ask for the Female Main Character section of Explore look like the Male Main Character section. It may not have as many books that fit categories but I would like to be able to see if there are Female MC books that ARN'T necessarily romance... the only sections that do not mention Romance are Teen and LGBT+. It kinda puts a bad light in my opinion (you are free to not have the same opinion) that all adult female MC books are only romance. I know that there are alot more romance books with a female MC but all female MCs shouldnt be defined by romance.

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