Well as this little idea for what I hope to be a funny little forum game with a side serving of a bit of publicity for novels.
The idea is as follows:
1.: Post a synopsis (1 paragraph long) you think matches the title posted directly above you.
2.: (optional) quote the actual synopsis from two posts above and a link to the work.
3.: Put up the Title, and only the title (No link, no cover, etc.) of a Novel here on Webnovel(can be yours, just keep to the spirit of this excercise)

Short example to illustrate

last Title: The Blue Pearl

Post 1:
1.: A Mystical blue pearl has been caught in a young fishermans Net. Since then he has been hearing oddly enchanting songs at night, and sometimes woken up on the sand of the nearby beach. Will this mystery be finaly solved when he comes face to face with a siren during a midnight stroll on the beach?
3.: The Foolhardies

Post 2:

1.: "Of course I'm in" Jeff retorted, unknowingly setting off a series of evants that would end up shattering his world view. Pledge-week at utopiauniversity was allways a laugh, at least for those like Jeff who got to have their fun with the new students. But when a prank he helped set up for another Fraternity turns sideways, the laughter dies in their trhoats.


Before Roqsar went under a rampage of a runaway beast of Endahar, Tristan was a happy wizard in training, learning magic in secret by his Master.
They have now been suffering for a month before ‘help’ arrives from the renowned Guild of Sharak.
His little village is infected by the plague brought in by the beast, and they know it is too late for them. Ava, the healer sent in from Sharak isn’t going to be able to save them either.
Tristan has seen almost his entire village dying before his eyes – his home, his family and now it’s his Master’s turn.
Nowsen had taken away Tristan’s sickness because he was too old to live any longer and wanted to protect his only student.
Before the plague takes the best of him, Nowsen gives him his last order. He hands over Tristan an ancient Medallion and asks him to throw it as far as possible without giving him the reason. Least to Nowsen’s knowledge, someone has been prying into him through the Medallion.
When Tristan is alone with the old copper disk, he out of curiosity channels his own magic into it to see what happens and without realizing gets possessed by a Sorceress.


3.: The Alterra Project

  1. The Alterra Project
    "Once the Council of Archimages discovered the Realm of Alrara would perish due the disalignement of the leys, the Project Alterra was created. Four interdimensional gates were created to allow the evacuation from Alrara. Two explorers were designed to find the best place for the Alrarers: the almighty hero of the Realm, Lune, and Jasper, the valiant yet young and inexperienced prince. Soon our heroes will discover two things: exploring another reality is not easy, let alone four of them. And... The evacuation plan does not include everyone."
  2. --
  3. My Weird Fairy Unnie
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