The current translator is unfortunately no longer capable of translating regularly due to other obligations. This can be evidenced by the Translator's Thoughts in chapter 291 that was released on 22nd of August, where the translator stated that he/she was too busy with studies. Since that time, the novel has only managed to get translated to chapter 321, which is unfortunate, because I liked the translator's work.
So I'm hoping that this novel can get picked up by another translator so that the novel can get some traction.
After all, it's not really reassuring to stick to a novel that can't stick to its translation schedule as can be seen in
And on it has 4.5 stars in every category except for the updating stability. So that tells you that it's a well-liked novel, but it's really weighed down by not sticking to the translation schedule.
Also, it's not like I want to make this post due to my enjoyment of the translator's past work, but it gets harder to sympathize as time goes on without the translator notifying the readers of what's going on in his/her life, so that we can be more understanding towards his/her situation through the Translator's Thoughts.