dbenz they call everyone one a lier's as that what they basically are
I've had rows about missing chapters, they even forgot they had an ad wall system as they sacked the staff that created it ( and due to the lies in this very forum I screenshot all my posts and have a folder with the chats showing them lie I've been here since beta and they are a joke)
luckily I only have 2 novels left and then screw them, also one of them I've in fact mtl'd myself and finished it, but just still reading here just to see if i made mistakes
I run an 8.6k FB group for CN novels I even do free novel adds for WW, vola or indie tl'ers but never for this lot
I don't allow pirate links but i know about 90% of my group prob read anywhere but here due to their lying
it's like all the new changes... it's like they are playing magic tricks trying to use smoke and mirrors to confuse people , it's like a chat I had with a new reader here that has only been reading for a few months