Even multiplier also can't. Due to error. Not sure what's happening with webnovel
Is the video section removed from rewards
they think those newbie can’t cope up so that they do the updateshit.
they think those newbie can’t cope up so that they do the updateshit.
they said its for those newbies so that they can catch up what a stupid updateshit.
Wealthydollybhatia they lowered all the rewards to 5 too.
Wealthydollybhatia they lowered all the rewards to 5 too.
Tomoyuki The price makes sense. It's just the difference in quality between traditional novels and those on Webnovel are pretty drastic, which is what makes me hesitate. Not to mention, series on this site literally go on for HUNDREDS of chapters, which amps up the total price for the series. There are books I'd prefer to rent as library books, and those I want to buy to keep. Most of the series I've encountered on Webnovel are not what I would necessarily consider buying.
I guess that's what makes it easier to drop series when Webnovel does dumb things like this. I was able to drop over twelve Webnovel series when I gritted my teeth for this change.
[unknown] are you stupid or something because yes these books cost alot more to read than going and buying a book from the store and all these reductions we're getting with the new update fucking sucks ass
[unknown] are you stupid or something because yes these books cost alot more to read than going and buying a book from the store and all these reductions we're getting with the new update fucking sucks ass
Tomoyuki are you stupid or something because yes these books cost alot more to read than going and buying a book from the store and all these reductions we're getting with the new update fucking sucks ass
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Hunter_Roberts I literally did the math for you. You provided nothing, no calculations, no math, no examples of prices or costs, and just insulted me. In what world is a $6 webnovel more expensive than a $8-$12 (and I'm not even counting those that cost $16-$20) novels of the same word count from a bookstore? Are you really that bad at math? Or delusional?
ResidentialPsycho I know what you mean, and that's fair. The quality of webnovels certainly are not as good as those sold in bookstores, that's for sure.
A lot of these novels can be read elsewhere for less. Which is apparently where my business is now going (and yes, I've spent actual money on series here).
WN reduced the amount of free SS. So be it.
I will drop many novel. I just stop buying SS. In the past with my saving free SS I bought SS to read 100-300 chapter on my favorite novel.
In my country there are systems similar to WN but the difference between the two is I can read 1500-1800+ chapter chinese novel translation in my language for free. There is lock chapter for people who cant wait and can spend money (just like privilege system) . I only spent 10-20$ for lock forever chapter. The downside is you have to wait and there are limit of free chapter to read a day(4-6chapter). But the chapter you free collect never lock again.
It's legal not piracy.
I'd rather spend my money on books. This year I spent more than 800$ on books. I bought chinese novel series ( translate in my language) with boxset and got gift like scarf, cleaning mobile clothe with printing character series etc.
I didn't get my weekly check-in bonus 50SS (which is now 20), and thanks to this update, the whole reason why I loved this platform is GONE. Please, don't pressure us to buy SS or Privilege, because as a student I'm broke, and others share the same fate.
New update to get back to having video reward, 50SS for a whole week of checking in, other things so bringing back the old version, which we had around a month/two months ago!
Tomoyuki $6 novel here? which novel here can you read for 6 Dollar? I did the math, $7.99 is 400 Coins. That is with 8 coins for 1 chapter (average) 50 chapters. Lets say a novel has 200 chapters here, that makes 1600 coins, that is 31,96 Dollars (most novels have way more chapters)
A real book with the same amount of storyline is way less expensive
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Kandoral In what world does a real book/novel have 200 chapters? Please show me a real book/novel that has 200 chapters.
A normal Japanese light novel that's adapted from a web novel on Syousetsuka ni Narou would have 10 to 20 chapters. That would an equivalent of 80 to 160 coins, which is $1.60, or $3.20 per novel. How the hell did you get $31.96 per volume!? 200 chapters is basically the equivalent of 10 to 20 volumes. Let me give you the benefit of the doubt and say it's 10 volumes - you're basically buying each volume for around $3. Traditional Japanese light novels are sold at $12-15 on retail, if you buy from Kinokuniya.
And my calculations already asssume the high end of having each novel being about 30 chapters each. That's an equivalent of 240 coins, and $4.80 (I calculated $6, based on having each chapter be 10 coins each rather than 8).
Are you guys really, really bad at math? Who the hell calculates an entire series that's hundreds or even thousands of chapters long as one novel? It's obvious that you follow the next closest thing - the Japanese light novel and Syousetsuka ni narou model, and divide a single series into voumes. Do you complain about having to buy 20 volumes of Sword Art Online at $240?! No, right? That's because it's a single series divided into several volumes! What about Tate Yuusha no Nariagari (Rise of the Shield Hero)? Did you pretend that the hundreds of chapters on Syousetsuka ni Narou are the equivalent of one novel, or do you buy the 10+ volumes that have been officially published? Do you complain about having to spend $150 to buy 12 volumes of Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (which started off as a webnovel series)?
My goodness, how on earth do you guys calculate? Or are you so obsessed with wanting free stuff that you're trying to blatantly pass off several volumes' worth of content as a single novel and demanding to pay much less?
Yeah, the quality of the novels here are pretty bad, but you're already paying a lower price than you would for normal professionally published novels. Not to mention, here you are actually paying for speed and frequency of update as opposed to waiting for months for a paperback volume to come out. And you're already paying like 25% of the prices of standard novels on retail, how much lower do you want the prices to go? Should webnovel writers write for free then?
Your attitudes just tell me you want to worm your way out of paying for content, or wanting to shortchange writers and content providers. I don't care about Webnovel or the company or the website itself, but I'm annoyed by how readers claim everything is unaffordable and expensive when it's not, and demanding that writers and content creators suck it up and sell their works for what amounts to slavery levels of payment.
ResidentialPsycho tru i droped a bunch of them and i now read only one or two chapters a day from one novel
People will have to get used to this or leave. It's a cycle that keeps repeating itself with this awful company. There's never any information given to users, never any guarantee that they're not going to shaft users down the line, and no remorse nor apologies given when they finally do. Rinse and repeat every few months.
I'd never spend money with them purely because I can't trust them. The chances of them screwing things up for me down the line are too high given their track record; whether it be increasing prices on chapters or suddenly changing rates of SS, meaning my reading flow goes out of whack. They should desire trust from customers, but they don't care. Failed business model imho.