
CKtalon. I'm upset with this new changes. Honestly before i can get 30pts a dai but now it cut 2 half... How can a reader enjoy this kind of changes when you only gets 15 to 20pts a day... Esp if the novel/books is expensive... I wonder if this will continue how many readers will stay in this app... I'm Soooo disappointed.

Hm, reading more than 900 minutes will not anymore give 10 spirit stone😲 also no more watching video to give us some spirit stone....
Hm, why to change it seriously...spirit stone is more cool and nice because all cultivate novel. Coin seem too much simple...
Can we also have some more way to grab more spirit stone/ Coin? That is for all good readers πŸ˜‰
I got a lot bug too.......

Definitely not getting my rewards multiplier today. Tried like hundreds of time today. Every updates seem to be bringing us bad to worse news. Is it time to move on to other platforms?

    Fine, WN always give surprise to us.. Big surprise without announcement (yes, they have but can count by finger) . Reader will make noise at first and slowly tone it down (all the while, always like that).

    If you want to change, why doing halfway.. Want to change the apps then change the website at same time too.

    With fixed 5ss for check-in, certain mission will receive only 5ss., so why not standardize the chapter unlock price too.. Less we receive, so reduce the chapter price too.. Fair enough..

    Don't talk about take slow time or company strategy.. That a B, cz all the while WN always give big BAAM to reader for every version.

    Your version is no different with other apps. For example, if want same format with mangatoon or webcomic apps, at least they are fair .. They also have difference type (have coin vs gem or coin vs point) of collection or mission.. Mangatoon check in is 1 coin per day, so unlock is also required 1 coin. Webcomic is more than that and of course unlock also bigger..(don't talk about they focus on comic, mangatoon also have novel inside).

    We are not a test subject. Does the developer (old and new hire) test it to themself first or to Mod in WN/FB before give it to us?

    ["With recent changes in the app, we, mods and other TLs/EDs, tried our best.
    We also felt your frustrations.
    Also remember we are humans. Stop blaming us for every single thing.
    We already lost our voice here"]

    All the while they cant answer all question, cz shut down ppl out. So, why not they become the test subject first, at least they know what the apps and developer doing and give ppl some guide.

    I'm seldom buy ss but always appreciate the free ss..more on website than apps.

      Is the multiplier down? Always have error

        Before 360 minutes get 10 spirit stone, 600 minutes get another 10 spirit stone ...900 minutes get another 10 spirit stone. If I knew it, I should read early from this week and complete the minutes...I should just at work read it more sigh. That isn't funny at all for not given information to us readers. Or maybe it's should start in time for everyone in the world to shopping for Christmas time, family and friend party....our stress is more intense πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… so with some changement like that...we are more stressing πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

        2020 is off to a greaaaaat start guys.
        Also multiplier option isn't working for the check-in.

          @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL why now u only gv us half of the free ss?? Its very dissapointing thing!!! What kind of new changes is this for 2020??

            CKtalon this new update sucks .... I really hate everything about it 🀒🀒 I want the old one back

              its all about money money money........who cares about how you feel

                i had same problem then come across something interesting if you are using scroll method instead of page turning method you will not get any coins read about 30 chapters before i figured it out

                  No way😲😲😲😲 it's really true ?
                  I use scroll page forever in I will never get any "coin"? I need to switch to a page version ? ...still I don't like the name "coin" versu spirit stone hm

                    Yuki_Qing those changes have already been done to the website. We last watch video facility more than a year ago!!! Max spirit stones we got was 18-25. And no other means of getting any more. Now it's 15 for us pc site users too.

                      Yuki_Qing those changes have already been done to the website. We last watch video facility more than a year ago!!! Max spirit stones we got was 18-25. And no other means of getting any more. Now it's 15 for us pc site users too.

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