I'm a poor daoist so I can't buy ss and I've noticed that RTW only lets me read by using ss. Ive been waiting for the chapters to let me just watch ads but it's been almost 4 days and still can only use ss to read. Is it gonna be like a premium book now? Cuz if it is I may just drop it. 🙁🙁

    you can wait these chapters free to be unlock at a rate of 1 chapter per day if you are patient enough.

      Confucious I've been waiting for a while and idk what chapters are being released as free chapters anymore. It just feels weird going from at least being able to get two free chapters a day to only one.

        Even with new Premium chapters the old still stay AS Premium chapters for me

        So even if I wait - i can't get any new chapters...


          I didn't notice this. I remember the official saying that every day at 12:00 Beijing time, there would be a free chapter.

            Tzucaza yeah like I'm wondering if im just ahead of their release schedule or is it legitimately gonna be one chapter per day, despite premium being ahead by like 20+ something chapters. Like I'm fine about P chapters but the difference is just way too big.

              Yap exacly. Now its not such a big problem because RTW is the only novel Im waiting for new chapters and can get spiritstones for like a 3chapters per day but for ppl who read other novels its totaly unproductiv. On some chapters there was autors or transtation comment that 10 chapters are premium. So how come there are like 22 already? Before I could watch commercials to unlock new chapters, now I can wach only one per day. This is the most stupid thing

                Horizon you can get 2-3 Premium chapter Wörth of this Stones via daily Check-in , voting and Watchers an add

                So its not that Bad, still I would wait to unlocks them Till we know more
                Also i would wait till i can unlock all of then at once or else If I unlock Just 2 and a hours later they becomes free and 2 new Premium chapters come out i would have wastet my Stone

                In the end this Just works for me due the fact i only read 1 novel with Premium chapters currently...

                If Release that witch geht's full Premium... I hope I don't end Up Picking Up another Premium novel or else i won't bei able to sustain it...

                Atleast give us Infos @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL D:

                Also If it becomes full Premium why didn't they Tell us? They told us immediately about the new Premium Bonus chapter Thing, butdont Tell us about pur Premium? I don't think so, i Hope they Just stockpile some Premium chapters or better it's Just a Bug that we dont get them currently and they will fix IT soon

                Till then let us hope

                  Dont worry lol it is going to be 'go premium to read ALL the novel' like it was in chinese Qi site. Not a new thing.

                  Tzucaza They gave info. Didn't you see the forums lately full of complaints about what you just said. There are a lot of threads about that exact topic

                    The number of free chapters increases by 1 a day.
                    The number of chapters increases by at least 2 a day.
                    That means the number of premium chapters increases by at least 1 a day.

                    If you read any premium chapters since the beginning of the PFF program, you will need to wait the same number of days as premium chapters read in order for the free chapters to catch up again.

                      i wait up the chaps to be free but im not a patient person, so i spent 200 ss to unlock the last few chaps of iras... and one chap costs 8 ss... super expensive, beside u cant open it by watching ad... now i only have like 400ish ss... damn and that is after i save up for a few weeks

                        Horizon The free chapter is chapter 707 and will increase by 1 each day except for the days they "forget"

                        Just be patience.. the author and translator have a life too.. they have familly to feed.. buy ss to support them.. if you can pay for your internet connection, why not for ss or if you have time to read novel, just spend more time to work.. most of mc must work hard to become dragon, don't you learn something from the mc?

                          Well how about that the price is crazy expensive. Just did some calculations and it costs 100 dollar to read maybe 1/3 of a novel here. If every chapter would be premium with no way to read it for free. A usual webnovel is also of a lot worse quality than a real novel mostly because the authors cram them full of nothing to get more money per chapter.

                            Horizon Hoard the chapters xD since Premium was released, I have like nearly 20 chapters ‘free’ lol

                              6 days later

                              Horizon I am taking a monthgirl break from release the witch. I am not so interested in the latest updates now.

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