I recall this boy that was an acquaintance in college. I think today we’d call him borderline autistic but back then we just called him a mathematics major. He told me once he calculated the relative “hit rate” when guys he knew would hit on girls at party at something like 3-4% so his solution was pretty simple, at a party he would go up and hit on 20 or so girls. He got shot down ALMOST every time (including by myself), even got drinks thrown in his face but at the same time he did go home with a fair number of girls over the years.

Perhaps don’t take things to his extent but my advice is don’t sweat bein shot down.

Honey15 I really like the way you think! Very good advice.

    5 days later

    This is so important. Don't forget to show love 💕 to people around you.
    I recently lost a cousin to suicide.😢😭

    11 days later

    Great advice. Had me cracking up during some sections. I thoroughly enjoyed reading.

      19 days later

      I don't think it would be that easy if it can affect people and not just yourself. Love is not always happiness nor always sadness. But I agree that the best love you can have is loving yourself first.

      6 days later

      Ahhh Love, to be honest I don't think anyone will ever truly understand the damn thing. Take it from a soon to be father, you don't always get it right. Men are usually driven by their 'Ideal Type' more often than not we project what we want on what we have and that has caused a shit ton of fights with my fiance and I.

      But women! Oh Lord that's a puzzle I'm still trying to figure out. Pikolek gave great advice... At least for those who are still single, but trust me getting the girl is not the end, it's the beginning of a bloody war that you can't help but love or hate every moment of.

      Women expect you to know everything (news flash all you awesome beautiful ladies! We fucking don't! 😑😑 We're men, authors or not we're still idiots cut us some slack.)
      They don't like it when you change, especially if it affects them. But no one else would want to mold man in their perfect image than a woman, God probably learnt from them😅.
      Everyday for a man is a test. You have to start figuring out new ways to impress, joke, act, kiss or have sex just to make your relationship fresh. In retrospect, and in a romantic way.... You have to make sure she falls in love with you all over again, every day for as long as you guys are together. Sometimes it's not enough 😔😔but don't be a coward and love halfway. You'd regret it, even if you get hurt.

      Now LADIES! I've seen this problem in a lot of you and in a bunch of GUYS too but .... A Relationship is not FUCKING AUTOMATIC! You both have to out effort and meet each other halfway. Girls can't just sit back and always expect the man to do the romantic stuff, that's just UNFAIR! Ladies you date or marry us, it means we're your overgrown babies🥺🥺we also need some loving!

      I remember one time my Empress spent the whole day doing weird and extremely romantic gestures for me. (I blame the pregnancy! Women are freaky when they're pregnant, downright scary too😳😳) but I remember and cherish those moments forever, cause she showed she could love and take care of me just as hard as I could for her.

      Now there are a bunch of stuff to be said, more exposition into this conudrum that is love. But just like Pikolek said... I'd probably do a part 2 if I can stop being lazy and get off my ass.

      From yours truly: Anone!
      Author of: Necron: The Legend of Rezar Deathwind, Asd: A Werelion's Journey To Arcane Supremacy, Kael Cor: A Vampire's Awakening, The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer And The Heir, Wudang: Legends Of Qi Earth

        7 days later

        Here's something for yall looking for love:

        Be patient and I'm not talking about waiting for the right one. If you find someone, who seems to feelings for ya', give both of you some time before jumping into a relationship. People can rush these kinds of stuff, just because it makes them feel safe.
        In reality, rushing into a relationship is one of the worst things you can do. Wait for her to open up, look out for red flags and when a certain amount of time passes, only then should ya' jump into something serious.
        I'm not trying to say you shouldn't date gals and maybe even get physical, just watch out for yourself.

        Good luck, dudoz:3

        22 days later

        here i am laughing because wow, this is actually a thing, and yet here we are, alone. mind blown

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            AmrutaShinde95 "too old to talk about love" ...I'm 32 and doing just that😅. I agree that Loving ourselves is most important, and loving family and friends is too but...There's someone for everyone, I believe. However, many factors, some, that you mention keep us in our own way. My parents always said: "do what you love and be open to the possibilities."
            -Author of Wannabe Dragon😎Dan C(uzzo)

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