Hi, I’m Piokilek. As a man, I want to give you guys some advice of how to deal with women. The advice will be real so I’m sorry if you feel offended. (Not sorry at all.) By the way, girls can use those too.


Here are some tips on how to make your crush like you back.

  1. SMILE!

Smiling is a powerful weapon. Others will think you are more approachable and easy to talk to. Of course, don’t smile like a maniac and if you don’t have a good smile, just a gentle one would do. Don’t forget to smile!

If she doesn’t know you but you are interested, when you talk to her for the first time, smile a lot, laugh, say something funny to make her laugh too. (Add a compliment - but not something cheesy like you look pretty. Be smart dude. Say her glasses match well with her clothes or that her outfit looks bomb today. Say she has a great sense of fashion. She probably heard that she is pretty 12304235123 times. Impress her with something new.)

  1. Be yourself!

It mights sound like a no brainier but people don’t like lies. You might try to pretend and act cool in front of her but one day or another, she will find out your true self so its best to be upfront with your personality.

Of course, if you are a dumb piece of shit and want to pretend your are not, stop looking for a girlfriend. Only search for a girlfriend if you are ready to be a boyfriend. Find a job (There is nothing better in a man than a sense of security coming from him), take care of yourself (Both physically and mentally) and stop being boring! If you don’t do anything interesting, your whole self will be boring. Find hobbies that are interesting to talk about. Make your crush curious, willing to talk to you to find out more about you.

  1. Eye Contact!

Show that you are interested! Smile and look her directly into the eyes, but don’t act like a creep. Just a few seconds longer than usual is enough. If she catches you staring at her, she will think you are a creep, simple.


What I mean by this is, say what you want to do. Don’t just follow her like a sheep and listen to her. Women like men who knows what they want. Naturally, don’t force your opinion on her. Give her a chance to agree or disagree.

By direct I also mean -> Tell her you are interested, ask her out. Don’t do it at the start just after meeting her. Let her get to know you better first. Don’t be scared of friendzone, its just a myth. Girls friend-zone guys they don’t want to date. They are just too kind to say no so they compensate it by being your friend.


You got a beautiful friend! USE IT! Pretty girls has a lot of hot friends! She can help find a girl for you. Don’t be sad when girl doesn’t want you. This is your chance. (Also, having hot female friends is dope.)

  1. Flirt with her. Tease her a lot. Make her laugh.

Basically make sure she is having a good time around you. If you tease her, she will try to tease you back which strengthen the closeness between you two.

  1. Be mysterious.

Don’t reveal everything to her at the start. Make sure there is always something new about you she learns as you tighten your relationship. This way she will think you are more interesting than you actually are. (It also opens your way for cool conversations with her.)

  1. Don’t be her friend she can always count on.

This is a common mistakes we “guys in love” do. We are there for them 24/7, and reply 5 seconds after she message us. THATS WRONG. She will think you have nothing going on in your life and your whole existence is there to help her whenever she needs it.

Get your life together boyyyy!

Say you are busy with something. She will be interested and ask what it is BUT DON’T TELL HER. Say its a secret, but if she is a good girl, you will tell her. (This sounds cheesy af but trust me, it works!) She will bug you every day to tell her. (Make sure its an actual interesting secret else she beat your ass.) Keep her hanging and then tell her to hang out with you and you will show her. (Idk, your hobby could be ice skating and you take her to show your skills.)

  1. Don’t force a conversation with her. Don’t be obsessive.

Don’t force her to talk to you every single day, 24/7. She has her own shit and you have yours. You will make her fed up with you pretty quickly. The best method is to stay natural. Its okay to go one or two days without talking. If she doesn’t talk, send her a small text, saying you were busy past few days so you didn’t have time to chat and ask how is she.
For girls!

If you like a guy, just tell them they are handsome and ask for their number. If he start chatting with you, he find you attractive. If he tries to find an excuse, he doesn’t find you attractive. Simple.

If you get his phone, then just say you like him after hanging out a bit and if he likes you back, he will date you. If he doesn’t, don’t force your way. There are plenty of other guys who are still lonely and want some hugs. (Me.) WE ARE SIMPLE AF. JUST TELL US YOU WANT US.

This seems to be long already. I can do Part 2 if people are interested.

P.S. If the girl says she is fine. She is not fine.
If she say she is good, then she is fine.
If she is great, that means she is good. <3


    I was a scaredy-cat.

    I was always scared of rejection… scared of failing… scared of disappointing my parents. I wanted to achieve mini-goals and dreams but because of these fears, I end up playing safe all the time. Don’t get me wrong, it’s okay to play safe. But while everything was happening in my normal life, I still experienced rejections… failures… and had in some way (though they didn’t tell me) disappointed my parents once or twice (maybe more).

    You see, despite knowing what to avoid, I still ended up experiencing the things I did not want to experience. But because I choose to surround myself with positive people, I became an optimist.

    As they say, “You are what you think”.

    And I believe that. I kept thinking that it’s okay to make mistakes… it’s okay to fail… Because what matters most is that I learn from it. I pat myself on the back and say, “It’s okay, you did your best.”

    Being optimistic has brought me to become a person who chooses happiness as long as I’m not stepping on someone’s toes — as long as I’m not hurting anyone. So in college, after graduation and even until now, I follow a path, making sure that my decisions would bring me happiness. Life is too short to stress about petty little things.

    I worked in a company once that paid well but I left when I realized that I wasn’t happy. I earned less in my next job but I couldn’t complain because I loved what I was doing and eventually, my salary increased too. And the best thing is, I’m doing something that brings me joy.

    Now I’m not saying that you should quit your jobs if you’re feeling crappy… I mean, at least be smart about it and make sure that you’ll live if you do. What I’m trying to say is that, amidst the little problems in life, the crappy routine in the rat race, and the bills and responsibilities that keep piling up…

    Take a step back, smile at your family, your loved ones, your achievements ( big or small), remind yourself how lucky and blessed you are to have these simple things in life that other people don’t even have.


    There are actually so many things that I want to say about love. (I'm a romance fiction writer, I know my readers will agree with me XD) I'm a romantic person... but there is one thing that I learned in life, love is something that you cannot force nor ignore. And love is patient... I will admit that I met my better half when I least expected. But just like what I said...

    You can't ignore love. The feeling will stay with you... and it's up to you how what you're going to do about it. But one thing is for sure – if you do find and meet that person, hold on and don't let go. No one else will sail the ship for you except yourself. Go choose your happiness.

    Happiness is a decision. Not a destination.

    Stay positive. Stay happy.

    Author of:
    Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance
    Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress
    Serendipity - A Chance Encounter

      I believe love is like a game... and it's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game… So just enjoy the game and create memories that you will cherish for the rest of your life.

      About life - I believe in focusing on the positive… so I hope we all can stay positive despite the trials which befall us… Yes hardships sometimes come our way but we must use them to grow stronger… We cannot let negativity take over our lives… Always believe in yourself that you can do it. Things may not always end up how you want, but what matters is how you handle everything, and then you can say, "I did my best and I'm proud of myself."

      From your humble author,
      Author of "The Doctor Who Loves Me"

      So...The year is ending so thought to write something here on the forum. It might be completely useless or something that might resonate at least a bit within that one lurker here. Now, these are just my thoughts. 

      Being an active lurker both on the server and sometimes at the forums, I wanted to post something here for both the authors as well as the readers. Be nice, supportive, helpful even if you don't know the person. It might be an author who is having a hard time in their personal lives or it might be a reader who is trying to understand something she/he doesn't understand. 

      I was surprised to have met some very fine people on Webnovel. Both readers and authors. People who are extremely helpful and expect nothing in return as they help you when they are in their free time. I have the habit of lurking and reading what people talk, some times scrolling, sometimes pausing to read what is there. There are others I have met too, some rare beings, well let me not go to the dark side. Because they don't have cookies! 

      Being nice mostly doesn't hurt anyone but there might be some, well to put it more nicely, people who don't appear what they pose to be. Well, in that case, ignore them. There's something I have often noticed in people when it comes to drawing up conclusions on a person you haven't personally conversed with by taking the word of another person. It is the negative ones I am speaking about. Has he/she spoken to you? Or have you? We are people coming from various different places, backgrounds, contrasting thoughts where many of us don't bother to take into account a person's feelings on what our action does. After all who are they? Comes the thought.

      To the person who is having a hard time...

      There are times, like many other times that you'll feel low. Utterly hopeless to do anything like everything is sinking. A tunnel without the light at that time don't be disappointed in the life you have been given. Most of us wait to reach the other side of the tunnel where there is light, some who give up before the path of light is found. And there are some who light the light without waiting for the end of the tunnel. Some tunnels are short while some are long. We are all battling the battle of a war that is being waged in our minds. Most of us win but some of us lose to the darkness. Sometimes you have to learn how to cut some slack on yourself. To free yourself from burdens you have been carrying. To let go for a while before picking it back up and continuing with life.

      Be good to yourself. Because you're the only one who can handle you. So be good and gentle on yourself. 

      To some of them, be a better version of yourself and not others.

        Here is my life advice: Never trust people for what they say, only for what they do. It sounds easy but it's not. When people need you they will always act friendly, but when you need them, that's when real friends show up. If someone is not there for you in time of need there's no excuse. Do not hesitate to dump a so-called gf or friend. Life is short, don't waste it finding excuses for those who do not care for you. It's better to be alone than be surrounded by fair weather friends.
        Love advice: If you meet someone special you can even half-way tolerate, sink your nails in and never let go.

        Advice from a woman who has nothing to do with love and bored with her life.

        Love Advice:
        -Stop worrying about how many ‘wrong ones’ there are out there. It doesn’t matter. You only need one right now.
        -Be more afraid of losing time than losing someone who won’t tell you where to stand in their life.

        Life Advice:
        -Never give a stranger the power to make you feel less than your worth. They know nothing about you.
        -Waiting for the perfect time is a waste of time. Time is precious, use it wisely.
        -Two wrongs don't make a right, take your parents as an example.

        I am Blips, I wrote The Villain's Wife and the CEO's woman.

        To young girls: ABUSE is not normal in any relationship! Just because you read it here, doesn't mean that its okay. The world is cruel and brute, woman! Stand up for yourself! Love does not equate to being raped and mistreated. Love is not jealousy. Love is not you crying every night and doubting yourself if you made the right decision.

        If you want to be happy in a relationship, then you must make it conform to your lifestyle not the other way around.

        If you are looking for a sign. Then this is it. Leave now.

        Hugs and kisses,

          TheBlips changed the title to Love and life advices from fellow authors..

            Learn to know when to let go.

            You might really love someone and that someone might really love you as, well but for a relationship to last, only love is not enough. Trust, respect and understanding hold equal importance in a relationship. It is quite natural to get attached to someone you are really fond of. It can be really hard to step out of a relationship you have dearly adored but know that when it gets toxic, you are not supposed to live your entire life, bearing what hurts you.

            Learn to let go when it turns toxic - it can be things, people or relationships.

            Life advice. Lol

            Knowing yourself and being yourself drives more people to want to get to know you. It helps you distinct what you need to help yourself in dark times.

            Just being yourself takes you a long way.

            Being open minded, Proactive, respectful, are some key variables to get you talking to almost any person. Having no objective besides wanting to talk and get to know the person first is a good mindset to get you used to interacting with people if your like me, shy and introverted.

            I have a full collection of advice to share. But I'll keep it to myself until the time comes someone needs it. Best of luck to yall.

            I have no love advice for I never been in love so that's not my department. Lol

            I can't resist bringing up the alien scene from Woody Allen's Stardust Memories, since I saw it recently, but this dialogue between the main character & super-intelligent Martians stuck strongly with me:

            SANDY BATES: "Wait, don't go, I have some questions!"

            MARTIAN: "We can't breathe your air!"

            "Yeah, at the rate we're going, we're not gonna be able to either. You guys gotta tell me, why is there so much human suffering?"

            "This is unanswerable!"

            "Is there a God?"

            "These are the wrong questions!"

            "Look, here's my point. If nothing lasts, why am I bothering to - to make films, or do anything, for that matter?"

            "We enjoy your films. Particularly the early, funny ones."

            "But the human condition is so discouraging. Shouldn't I stop making movies and do something that counts, like - like helping blind people, or becoming a missionary or something?"

            "Let me tell you, you're not the missionary type. You'd never last. And - and incidentally, you're also not Superman. You're a comedian. You wanna do mankind a real service? Tell funnier jokes."

            If everybody did what they were best at, at their best, life would be much easier.

            Or just go with the classic, "There are plenty of fish in the sea". I mean the liklyhood of meeting that perfect 100% girl one april morning is closer to 0. Maybe you have or maybe you haven't. Take chances and see what life brings you.

            And for you scary cats out there there is this saying in buddism:

            that if you meet somebody
            and your heart pounds,
            your hands shake,
            your knees go weak,
            that's not the one.
            When you meet your soul mate,
            you will feel calm.
            No anxiety, no agitation.

            And then again they also say meeting ones soulmates take 500 years in the making. I mean comeone who isnt ready after 500 years:P

            PS: Precell I agree with you on this . This novel has a big problem with the portrait of abuse in novels.

              Posting a life advice about taking a leap of faith that I shared on a thread a few months back...

              "If something doesn’t feel right [in your career right now], don’t be afraid to choose something different and create changes in your life. I know it is scary and daunting but you have to take that leap of faith: big leap, small leap, it's all the same; a butterfly effect in the waiting. Even if it doesn’t make any sense, trust yourself [because] your despair is not you failing but rather the life you are living failing you. Wish you all the best in your future endeavors."

              a year later

              In this time of crisis, we need more positivity. I'll be pinning this post so others can read and contribute. I encourage everyone to send well wishes and spread only love and support to everyone. Be respectful; personal abuse, obscene, harassing, threatening, hateful, discriminatory, or defamatory remarks in bad taste won't be tolerated and will be deleted. Thank you.

              If no one has told you yet, you are enough. ♥
              I wish you happiness today and sending good vibes your way. ♥

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