LordSputnik I will put your novel in my library and give it a read and a review... the Monty Python sold it for me 👍

    stella2138 I'll need a little more than 1 chapter to go on, can't say I can give it a good review with just one short chapter.

    One thing I did notice is that your page structure is still the same, short sentence, next line, short sentence, next line, short sentence, next line, etc. etc. Do you have Discord or Line? I might be able to help you a little bit better through there if you wish.

      RedSonia Done, a little hard to review with only 7 chapters and it isn't my typical genre, but you are off to a very good start!

      LordSputnik actually i'm transferring it. i wrote it as galaxiana but lost access to the account so i decided to transfer it slowly. the real name of the book is FORGIVE ME, MY LOVE. you can decide to read it on webnovel and then give your review on married me again wife. thanks. as for discord,i hardly talk there. I talk through the forum so after reading please lecture me here. i know my grammar is bad too but I'm really working on it. kisses and goodnight.

        Abdirah101 Thanks! I'm actually trying to rewrite the first volume little by little as I went WAY overboard on references early on. I learned my lesson thankfully.

        stella2138 Not a problem, I just bring up Discord or something else as this forum is terrible for coordinating. I tried it with a guy and we gave up and just use Line now.

        Primate Wow, that opening could be used as a reference for others about how to do an opening chapter and do it well! Consider yours reviewed.

        mugarg Reviewed, hard to do with only 6 chapters and it feels like the first one was written by someone else...

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