Clowniac are you contracted kinda professional? Orrrrr an original chinese author kinda Professional?

Eitherway, still amazed 🀩

  • Rak0 replied to this.

    β€œYou can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page.”
    ― Jodi Picoult

    The first step of being an author.


    Ending at the end of a scene is usually, though not always, how I prefer to do it, so long as I have a clear idea of what the next scene is. If I'm already struggling in a scene, then to me it makes sense to stop somewhere in the middle, and return later. A struggle usually means I need time for my mind to process, and sitting there getting nothing done is not a good way to do that.

      So_mi I've been around hehe. But I'm no professional. I just enjoy writing. Every now and then I do developmental editing with people trying there hand in writing. But I never really tried to go into the profession of literature.

      I'm basically just a hobby writer. That writes novels. Short stories, every now and then.

      Professionals have me respect. I would never have courage to pump out a book and decide to publish it. Hehe.

      Just recently I decided to do a fun project and publish it on this site for the hell of it. Hehe. My next step to developing my writing. πŸ€•

        Rak0 aww ur the same as me thennn but I'm thinking of trying out that offer for a contract but... I still can't update for 2 weeks straight (since that's their condition :/)

          Clowniac yep I understand. And I agree it's all about doing it the method that works for you and, being open minded to experimentation to continue developing yourself.

          I spend months visualizing my work before writing. So by the time I do start I have the essence of the story. This does not mean I know the plot and everthing that is going to happen. Just what I want my story to convey and how I plan to do it. Since I write my stories with the purpose of conveying a msg, concept, idea, etc. In the most meaningful way I can think of.

          So_mi good luck. You can do it. When I do start publishing imma be publishing 1 chapter a day. With a stock pile of at least 50 chpts. Giving me 50days to progress another 50+chapters hehe.

            The_Cheese hehe yep. Imma do mass releases of over 10+ chpts if my story does good. Lol.

            But that meme fit what imma be doing lol

              So_mi I had a 12-year hiatus on one of my stories due to a string of offline stuff. I might not be able to give the best advice. I'll try.

              For me. Setting a routine helps, using a daily word count goal. Something totally realistic. Like, "today I'm going to write 200 words". If you set an easy to achieve daily target, it should help you write to a routine.

              It also helps to take a breather for inspiration. Return with fresh ideas.

              Hope that helps.

                Veronica8 thank you! Will start doing that soon :) Hopefully my readers aren't too... tired of me being late in my updates haha


                  Just be straightforward with them. Tell them if you're taking a break, the reason for doing so, and when you will resume. And then stick to it.

                  I've taken most of this month off, and have still gained over 100 new collections and lost none. People just want to know what is happening.

                  Oh, and in response to your previous question, I've been published in both fiction and nonfiction, and worked in game development as a writer for years. I've also been offered a contract on here, though I didnt take it.

                    I think Webnovel should pin this.. it'll help a lot of new authors.


                    Currently what I'm doing, have like 20 chapters backlogged for when I feel the story flows sanely enough to be seen by human eyes, or settle for net viewing, cant be picky after all 😁

                    Well 20 chapters for three different books as my inspiration seems a touch ADD.

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