CanadianWolf Do you read on the phone? There's a lot of free quality reads featured on the [Free] button of the Novel-featured tab on the app. Half of the quality free stories are also promoted on the [New] button of the Novel-featured tab.
I'm sorry that the new experience has been a reading limitation for you. Change is inevitable. It's unfortunate the old system couldn't have been weaned in with a balanced approach. And with better communication of the changes.
It is what it is. There has been a lot of learning opportunities from all these roll-outs. I hope WN team take note of.
Maybe one day WN will have demonstrated great improvements to be a market leader, and provide varied cost choices for readers of all paying capacities. Until that future arrives...
Sad to see another reader go. But if you choose to go. Thank you for expressing your feedback and time here.
All the best.