Well with the new coin system my reading at this site will be over very soon.
It is a very sad state that as a company that has adds to pay for being on the site that they still require such a high demand for a reader to pay.
They don’t even offer free coins anymore for anything not even for the daily log in.
The prior system was much better as at least you could still read with some free points.
The system is taking away more and more coins with a minimum of 35 every 3 days.
I used to like this site and enjoyed reading many of the stories the authors had written and where translated.
I understand that authors need to be paid and this site needs to make money but greed is still greed as not everyone can afford it.
Thank you to all the great authors and translators for allowing me to read your stories.
Thank you to Webnovel up to this point before the change in their design to coins without letting us the reader to receive them from watching ads or completing dailies.
The readers are no longer required
CanadianWolf Plenty of excellent free stories... such as The Alterra Project
(Shameless self promotion)
Concur it's worth a read.
1) ads don't provide as much revenue as you may think they bring.
Ads pay very little. A very high CPM (cost per 1000 impressions) is about US$10. It's closer to $2-5 CPM. So that's less than 1 cent every view. Authors won't be making enough based on ads alone.
- from @/CKtalon
2) they don't give you free coins, but they give you free fast passes. you can get 3 free fast passes every day. compared to free coins, which on some days, you can only earn 15, the 3 fast passes can unlock the same-- and even more-- content, esp. if you're looking at longer, more expensive chapters
3) you can still at least read some with free fast passes. also, you can always read the free, not contracted, not translated novels. all locked novels usually provide 60-100 free chapters too. free reading is always possible.
4) coins have always expired since the beginning. they expire once 30 days pass. not 3 days. wn simply drops you a warning whenever it's the 3 day mark. if you want to avoid expiration, chapters you unlock never expire, so problem solved.
5) WN, at the end of the day, is a company. a business. they used to give out more free things, and they took away some of the free things. I fail to see how people are entitled to continue demanding these free things, since they were always free from the start. nobody ever paid any money for them, so they are not entitled to continue having them. as a business, WN has the right to revoke them at any time. it's not called being greedy. it's called trying to pay your authors, translators, editors, site developers, and the entire staff, as well as trying to get a profit, which is the whole point of running a business.
yaoyueyi And if you're really really desperate for coins... keep an old version of the app installed on a separate device... Personally I think fast passes are better when I've had single chapters run over 40 spirit stones before.
You know, they'll stop supporting the old version at one point, right? And I'm guessing, quite soon.
LordSputnik yeah, I think fast passes actually act in favor of the readers, but some people just can't accept it. :pensive: I'm thinking it's b/c psychologically, getting 15-20 coins a day feels like you're actually getting a lot more than 3 fast passes, even tho in reality, it's the same/even worse than fast passes.
CanadianWolf Do you read on the phone? There's a lot of free quality reads featured on the [Free] button of the Novel-featured tab on the app. Half of the quality free stories are also promoted on the [New] button of the Novel-featured tab.
I'm sorry that the new experience has been a reading limitation for you. Change is inevitable. It's unfortunate the old system couldn't have been weaned in with a balanced approach. And with better communication of the changes.
It is what it is. There has been a lot of learning opportunities from all these roll-outs. I hope WN team take note of.
Maybe one day WN will have demonstrated great improvements to be a market leader, and provide varied cost choices for readers of all paying capacities. Until that future arrives...
Sad to see another reader go. But if you choose to go. Thank you for expressing your feedback and time here.
All the best.
I have adjusted to the new system. It is possible to read for free. I manage to accumulate 21 or more free passes in a week. Currently I am reading a comics, and three novels—a free original, and two translated works, one of which I had already finished but am now revisiting.
I think the free pass is actually better than SS, especially for expensive novels, since a chapter can easily eat up more than 20 coins. And since these novels normally update only once a week, then the free passes are more than sufficient to cover 2-3 chapters.
I still would like to buy coins someday. I miss sending gifts. However I am moving to a country where currency and paying online might be risky. So am holding tight for now. I wish fellow readers would take a deep breath and look at the bright side.
ealdgyth Nice. I'm glad that you're able to milk as much as you can from this system. I'm a fan of farm mode. I love seeing that 2+ going into my golden pouch :grin:
I also hope that there are other kinds of coupon opportunities or even additional limited time free reading choices. We're only at the start of the new Webnovel. So, still early days.
Veronica8 hahaha! Call it what you will! I like to think am making the best of a less than ideal situation. There are many things I want here, but I won’t complain about getting less free stuff. Like everything else in this world, if you want more, you should pay for it.
I haven’t tried farming yet. Perhaps when I start on a new novel (which hopefully allows it). Happy are those who are able to go with the flow!
ealdgyth The Alterra Project will always be free, no stones, passes, coins, spirits, souls, pandas or whatever WebNovel starts to charge required.
yaoyueyi I'm not trying to make a living... I just want people to enjoy my stuff. The Alterra Project will always be free, no stones, passes, coins, spirits, souls, pandas or whatever WebNovel starts to charge required.
LordSputnik understand your need for promotion, but just a friendly reminder to promote where it is appropriate. ty. :)
yaoyueyi I don't know what you are talking about, I will never give in to shameless self-promotion, even though in my opinion The Alterra Project is a good read, that doesn't mean I'll just go pasting the link for it everywhere I can.
(For those of you that can't tell, I am trying to be shameless.)