Hi fellow readers, would like to ask an advise from you since i didn't find the answers on 'help' button. I have invited a friend using my code and he did all the necessary things to do like clicking the code i shared, downloading the app which redirected from clicking my code then log in thru facebook, however its been two days since he downloaded and use the app using my code but i didn't receive the reward. I already seek help but to no avail. Anyone please advise :-(
I didn't receive the rewad after inviting a friend using my invitation code
Your friend needs to press the invite a friend button and then submit your invitation code in the space below.
Has your friend ever created an account before? Has the device your friend used ever been used to access a WN account?
If you answer yes to either question you won't be getting anything, welcome to the flaming hoops of invite a friend.
My friends just signed in for the first time using my invite link i entered the code but the badge is not lighting i need helo