Has some of you found any positive novels about magic?
All I'm seeing are stories where the main character is depressed or suddenly don't care about his and/or other peoples life and end up becoming a mass murderer.
I'm not looking for rainbows and butterflies or Magical Girl stories I just don't want a story a where not caring about life is what you are meeting constantly.
Any positive stories about magic?
I've found Lord of the Mysteries a good translated magical realism story. I see Klein's a well balanced character.
Release that witch...but I don't know whether you might like it or not ... Each have their own preference
Thank you, both of you.
I looked at Lord of Mysteries after you mentioned it, I wonder how much magic there is in Lord of Mysteries or if it's more like an old world with a few fantasy elements?
I've actually been reading the comic version for a while definitely look at the novel if the pace is to slow.
WonderClima when a mage revolts
WonderClima Throne of Magical Arcana is from the same author of Lord of the Mysteries, but with more foccus in magic.
WonderClima I looked at Lord of Mysteries after you mentioned it, I wonder how much magic there is in Lord of Mysteries or if it's more like an old world with a few fantasy elements?
For me, I'd say it's typical to historical fantasy, which tends to use magic with a cause and effect balance. So magic has consequences for misuse. The strength of this story is the mysticism, character design and adventurous wonder. It's so unique to Webnovel and worth a look.
WonderClima I don't really recommend solely reading the manhua. Although the plot really stick true to the plot, it just fails to deliver the tone and tension the novel has (and it's not gory) . It's a good reference for the character appearance though.
As for the magic system, it's really unique and aweesooomeeee-- every 'class' has their own rules and laws. What appeared like a random rule by the author has their own logical explanations later own (if you're patient enough). I still got goosebumps on how well-founded those rules are.
And regarding about Klein (MC) not caring about his family and partners? Lol. You don't have to worry about that.
I think this book really fits your criteria.
Just a note that the novel starts slow and I suggest not dropping it until you finished volume 1: Clown (213 chapters). Lol. Just looked at how much I geeked about this.
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Overlord_Venus about 'when a mage revolts' it has traditional magic but it's definitely not a peaceful revolution.
I've been reading Lord of mysteries lately. The main character Klein do kill some people but I like that he has a conscience and think about every action.