Yuyumamoru Those time and date are the time and date you uploaded your chapter to inkstone. Not the time and date of your scheduled date. It's confusing, I know. If you want to check the schedule, you can click on the chapter, and click publish. You will see when you scheduled it 🤣

    Yuyumamoru Webnovel's 3/3/2018 6:30 AM happened 21 hours before you posted here on the forums. They may sync published date to the reader's local time, but I'm nearly certain everything else on Webnovel is set in the Chinese time zone. I do not use inkstone, so this may be inaccurate.

      Lin_XiaoLong KoraL Ah, I feel like such a noob. Thank you for your knowledge. Hopefully I won't have to rely on the auto publisher but if I have to in the future, I will be prepared!

      Thanks again!

        I am 99.99 % sure this was an error made by you. The auto-publish timer works in GMT +8, so always keep that in mind. Do a google search of Your Local Timezone to GMT +8 to know when your chapter will actually be published if you can't keep the time-difference in mind.

        Yuyumamoru instead of remembering GMT+8 for your search, it's probably easier to remember how to Google "what time is it in China" They only have one time zone, which makes it easy.

        @yaoyueyi I think the inkstone tag still applies here?

          KoraL No. The Inkstone tag is a subcategory of the Report Bugs tag. Therefore, it is inappropriate in this context, since this is not a bug.

            yaoyueyi I've actually been thinking about it, and I agree that this isn't an actual bug, but people who come to the forums to search for a similar issue are going to search the tag bug for it. Wouldn't it be better to leave the tag and change the title to something like [Misunderstanding] Inkstone Publishing Timezones?

              KoraL Creating some sub-tags under the Question tag would be a much better option, no?

                RABBITICOL I don't know, because people aren't going to search questions when they think they have a bug. Although, I suppose they may not search the forums before posting at all. In which case, is the bug tag only for Webnovel employees?


                  Yep. WN Devs actively check on the "Report Bugs" tag. So, tagging a non-bug with this tag will only make their work inefficient.

                    Cantiara I still think changing the subject to something along the lines of "[Resolved: False Alarm] subject" would be better and not hinder dev work? But more secondary tags would be nice.

                      2 years later

                      Anyway, if you were a contracted author, do you still update your stories in Ink Stone or not? Thank you.

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