ihateyounot My english is not the best. And we get tea mixtures mainly from Russia, and there are real masters in extravagant mixtures.
I also do not always understand some posts, but nothing, learning new things is always interesting.
ihateyounot My english is not the best. And we get tea mixtures mainly from Russia, and there are real masters in extravagant mixtures.
I also do not always understand some posts, but nothing, learning new things is always interesting.
ihateyounot Thank you.
@Chryiss For constructive criticism, I would like to say thank you. This allowed us to rethink the writing of short stories.
@Veronica8 For valuable tips on improving the writing of the short story.
@Primate Bro for his constant advice and support!
Many of my critics who help me write a little better. But the way of writing really interesting short stories from the point of view of literature is still long and difficult :)
@Sunset_Vermont for a lot of help and cheering me up when I was grunting and growling like a mad dog.
@Aysel_Inara for being so nice.
@Cantiara and @Veronica8 are you peeps real? Helping the community and being nice to everyone. Is it some sort of cultivation path for reaching the peak of awesomeness?
@PenelopetheSpider for being a beta that's crazier than me.
Thank you!
For more nice people as you!
@FallenBlue had been of tremendous help emotionally and other aspects of writing. @islinda my content editor without whom I wouldn't have reached the goal that I set for the year. @Exlor @Alemillach @lynerparel are the epitome of grace and hard work which I hope to become one day. @AuthorWiz a philanthropist that came when I felt so lost, a really nice person. @Cantiara is an inspiration as a reader and quite knowledgeable.
As far as positivity goes everyone at some point may have that thought in mind, to some it's more obvious than others
Gourmet_DAO A-mi-ta-bha
I wasn't going to write anything at first because I'm a lazy potato who's also a chatterbox that sometimes says too much. XP But now I feel compelled to join due to y'all being so thoughtful, sweet, and funny, and in light of these current times, more positivity is nice.
In alphabetical order because I like organization lol~
@Cantiara Even before I got to know you, I always admired you for your poise and intellect on the forumsโโaaand probably my bias for Totoro helped a bit too haha ;pโโand now knowing you better, my appreciation and fondness for you have since grown tremendously. Sincerely and deeply, thank you for being such an awesome role model and friend :heart: :hugging: I admire, respect, and love you lots and think you're even more talented than you let on~ I feel like you're already very grounded in life, and the confidence in yourself is admirable, but still, wishing you all the best in life!! <3
@Enlightened_Being Dude, I miss you! Where have you been? You teased us all with a drop by on the WHT thread and then vanished again! I missed the conversations we had (mainly with schreient and Veronica) in the early-middle days of that thread back before most of us poofed on a hiatus and many didn't return. ;-; Thank you for being so supportive and honest with great writing and life advice, and just an overall great guy. :grin: You're seriously so cool, well-spoken, friendly, and thoughtful. I enjoy hearing your perspective and ideas, and cough~ (psst, add me on Discord at Chryiss#5534 even if you're too busy to chat, even saying hi to show that you're alive would be great ;w; )
@CCmei I kinda stalk your posts on the tea thread because they're always so interesting, and I hope to be able to converse with your more because I think you're pretty cool, sweet, and humorous! You have an aptitude for writing with a great positive attitude that will definitely get you far!
@chonnie I think of you as the historical face-slapping writer-queen xD because of the stories you write which are honestly great. You also made purdy book covers for a short spell, and I'm also sad that you poofed too, but I hope you're doing well along with your stories that deserves more recognition. ;w;
@Clowniac I always saw you as some mythical rare spirit on the forums (I'm not sure how else to phrase this lmao!), and admired you for the rare times you spoke and offered great advice and well-composed responses. Now I see you're just a normal human (lol!) but a very multi-talented guy that I still admire a lot. Thank you for being such a rock and genuine person whom I'm glad to know. :grin: You're doing fine without my best wishes for you in life as you're confident and have a wide array of skills and business acumen lol, but I still hope that you (and your family) will enjoy great success and have a wonderful life.
@GrumpyNeighbor Aka the writer with the best cat story to have ever graced this Earth except for Erin Hunter, LOL. I think of you as an old, mysterious soul, and hope that you're happy and doing well. I'm so glad that you've been keeping up with writing Purrfect Cat Guy as it's one of my favorite contest and original story favorites!
@ihateyounot You're such a devious but pure little soul at the same time xD and someone whom I'm so glad to have met. :heart: You're super kind and silly at times too, but also serious when necessary. And I love all that about you and the fun convos that we've had and with others. You're an awesome writer, managing to be 'controversial' yet in a thought-provoking and sorta brilliant kind of way. I think of your story as the epitome of what other similar genre stories ought--oh wait, positivity, uh-uh, we don't go there, lol! In short, you're amazing! And I look forward to our exchanges in the future and also wish you an amazingly fun and happy future!
@WithJ I'm still touched to this day by your genuine review and encouragement on my novel when I was feeling down about it. ;w; Thank you for your honesty and supportiveness, and just being so real and compassionate. You're a great writer--I'm so happy to see that you're still writing and got more recognition for your novel--and I only wish you the very best. :heart:
@kazesenken You're that forever young uncle who manages to get us face-palming yet also laughing. xD You're a steady presence while also being unexpected at times, all in good ways. And I really appreciate you being a cool goof that's also a genuinely awesome person---who's in fact good at writing!! (I'm coming for that scientist story, just you wait ;p) I've also decided to call you menbun, no objections!! :joy:
@Lilliny Honestly, I previously used to be a little intimidated but also awed by you on the forums, but now that I know you, you're just a soft goofball at heart. xD :heart: I'm not sure how to best describe your singular personality; I simply just appreciate you being you, unabashedly so~ You're an amazing, fun, cool individual, and I wish you great success in life and an exciting future for you that matches the brightness of your rainbow blob emojis. :laughing:
@LostInFictions Uwah! I just wanna pinch your cheeks, send you a thousand hugs, and enjoy pretty scenery with you because oddly enough, I always think of beautiful scenery when I see your name or talk with you. xD Maybe it's because you're a beautiful person whom I admire for your strength and perseverance, and positivity with others despite some of the ugliness in the world. You deserve everything and more, and I hope one day I'll be able to read a proper length story of yours~ :heart:
@MyCharacterLeads Tbh, I just straight up think of Noblesse every time I think of you--not just because it's your profile pic, but also because it matches you. :joy: You have a refined way about you, but it's also very cute in a friendly, nice kind of way, just like Raizel! I appreciate your help and encouragement with my novel, and it's been fun simply talking with you too! I hope you're doing well and having fun! :grin:
@NatsumeRikka Bohoo~ where are you amazing girl? I enjoyed all our conversations together and us supporting one another's novels. You're a great writer who makes the dopest badass FL's, ---seriously tho, you've elevated my bar for kickass females way too high lol!---and I wish you all the best in life and whatever you pursue. I hope all is well, and sending positivity and hugs your way~ :heart: Catch me on Discord at Chryiss#5534 and I'll come running~ If you ever need anything, I'll be here to support you! :blush:
@Overlord_Venus You've been around for a while since I first joined (this site? and) the forums, but I've only just recently witnessed first hand your great writing and storytelling skills. It's nice to see you being active these days as I enjoy all the fun threads that you made---they put a smile on my face and make me laugh. I look forward to seeing where you go, as I believe you've got everything to go far, and to partake in any fun threads that you make in the future. xD
@PsyberRose Your username matches you perfectly~ You're spunky, elegant, and kind with a little mysteriousness yet also down-to-earth. I'm so glad that your story got the recognition it deserves, and I hope you've been doing well with only happy times and fond memories. :blush:
@Rak0 cries Huhu, why you enjoy poofing so much like a fluffy ninja! I miss your randomness on the forums, and your vibrant, authentic, and humorous personality. Thanks for all the smiles, laughs, and good memories on the WHT thread and forum in general. Hopefully we'll see you more active again one day, but no pressure, just enjoy life, stay happy, healthy, and random. xD You're amazing! Stay the awesome you! :grin:
@schreient Waah~ </3 I miss you and all the fun and intriguing convos we've had on the WHT thread with the others about writing and life. You're a seriously amazing writer that makes me go wow and jelly sometimes at your skills. xD I hope your bby be happy and healthy along with you and your family. You're the perfect success story, and I'm so so happy that you got recognition for your writing! Also, I won't quote it, but you did say once to create a chat for us chatterboxes, so Imma hold ya to it (as I went on hiatus before :x) and ask you to add me on Discord at Chryiss#5534 :laughing: I hope you have an amazing, fun but peaceful life! :heart:
@StenDuring I believe you're the first reviewer that I ever came across on this site that was genuinely good at it. I appreciate not only your review from when my story was just a baby, but also the many reviews of other stories in the community. I thought you had poofed around the time that most everyone did too, but I still see you around once in a while, so that's nice to see. :grin: You have a straightforward style and personality that I admire along with your tenacity and seriousness as a writer.
@The_Cheese I knew you only for a short time, but it was a fabulous time. ;w; You and Rak's antics made me grin wider and laugh harder than anything else on the forums, and I honestly miss that short-lived time. Your identity is a mystery, lol, but wherever you are, and whatever you're doing, I wish you all the best in life. Thank you for your helpfulness on the forums and the brightness that you exuded in that short time of activeness. :blush:
@Tomoyuki Before getting to know you, I saw you as one of the fabled greats on the website/forums lol! xD You speak very well, and I admired you for being able to express yourself and defend your beliefs. I still do, but now I know how misunderstood you are sometimes, and it makes me sad because you're honestly such a fluff-ball and good-natured, authentic person. You're truly an amazing human, and I admire your dedication and perseverance in writing and life. And anyone who insults you, I shall smack! xD Including yourself, lmao! So chin-up, you're awesome! :grin:
@Gourmet_DAO You're so odd, but in the very best way possible, and I have no idea how to express your personality except in that way! Dx :joy: You make me tilt my head in confusion, grin, chuckle---you're just so unique and idiosyncratic, and I enjoy your randomness along with your thoughtfulness. I admire your dedication to your craft--historical really is a difficulty writing feat---and your presence on the forums is a subtle staple of the community. You're a special little star, and I appreciate the support you gave to me and the community and wish you a fantastic, engaging life!
@ValKree You're honestly the most adorable little ball of sunshine and goofiness I've ever met. :heart: And as I said before, I live for your random thoughts thread. You demonstrate a deep, introspective mind that's both dark having seen and experienced the world, yet stayed so bright and lighthearted and shared that positivity and bounding, cute energy with all of us. I think of you like a cute little yellow chick with the spear of Valkyrie. xD Thank you for all the optimism and intrigue that you bring here! Stay awesome, stay you! :blush:
@Veronica8 GRAH!!! Kitty! :heartpulse: I sincerely appreciate and love you so much~ uwu You're an amazing friend and hooman from the very beginning, and I'll forever be grateful and admiring of you for your support, honestly, level-headedness, and unearthly kindness (you're a literal freaking angel and anyone that degrades you I will come after with figurative flaming forks lmao!). We've had great convos about writing, life, hobbies, and interests like music, or just silliness and randomness---you basically hard-carried most of the WHT thread with me. xD And made me stay and return to the forums. :heart: And you deserve absolutely everything, all joy, fun, success, peace, and health. Thank you for being a literal role model human and an amazing friend!
@yaoyueyi I've admired you since your art cover days, and always wished to be your friend, lmao! because you were just so cool and talented. You were one of the greats (lol!) on the forum before and now even more so as the almighty helpful Yue-Bot! You have great sassiness yet also professionalism, and your talents and charisma will take you truly far in life---I just know that you'll have a very bright future ahead. :heart: You're hardworking and strive to do your best, and I wish you success not just in writing, but anything that you do with your creativity and imagination. Lastly... GOOSE! ....moth...haha! XP i'msorry--not--:joy: <no bread was injured in the typing of this comment>
@Yuki_Qing You're the ancient wise grandmother of the forums in my eyes. And I don't mean that you're old lol! You're still youthful and peppy---I just respect and admire you. :blush: Although you're not on the forums much anymore, it's been fun getting to know you. Not only are you super helpful, but you're a wealth of knowledge! :sparkles: :O I think you're cool and nice, and one day, I'll watch all the dramas and other things that you've recommended (along with Yue).
Chryiss Welp. Now you made me cry happy tears. :joy_cat:
And what's with necroing bygone users :laughing: Yeah. kind of miss those you mentioned no longer on the forums. Especially @NatsumeRikka. She was the first one to regularly read my Sunflower story. If it wasn't for her, I would've ditched it thinking it was a failure at chapter five.
Chryiss Therefore, it is likely that the view of the world is different, not familiar, not standard, not typical. But we are all so different that makes this world so interesting. I think so. Thank you for your bright and full of unexpected thoughts for me, this is new and informative! Thnx a lot!!!
SrtaA Gourmet_DAO Thank you. Keep being awesome peeps too.
Oops, Am I late? Hmm, it's never late to appreciate someone right? Here I go then, summoning all the courage to disturb few people! :smile:
To all the forum developers, Admins and mods - You all are doing a great job. A deep bow for your patience and passion to build this WN world into a popular site!
@yaoyueyi - This mod needs a special appreciation for her hardwork. The Mighty, Legendary Yue-bot will always be the forum goddess, imo :sweat_smile:. Tbh, you are the best forum mod I have ever seen. :sparkling_heart:
@Chryiss - We never interacted much but you know, you are the reason I returned to this forum after I don't how many months :sweat_smile:. I never liked this forum much, but your review thread just turned me into a active lurker from last 3 months :smile: . I repeat, you give best reviews and you have got yourself a fangirl and that's me :smile: If you like to continue your work, please make sure to ping me I would be gladly ready with my popcorn. And yes, I think I will be on your WHT thread like everyday in future. Hope you don't mind this Chatterbox there. :heart:
@Veronica8 - You are a kind, sweet soul I have seen on this forum. And I really loved that Writer's tips thread, hehe not as a writer but as a reader. I think you covered half of my grammer syllabus :laughing:. I don't think I need to again open that heavy grammer book and all thanks to you :heart: Hope we can catch up in the future. :smile:
@ValKree and @ihateyounot - Even though I never followed your threads regularly, I was able to catch up a few posts and I enjoyed those posts a lot. Thank you bringing a smile whenever i read your posts. :heart:
@Cantiara - I admire you a lot. The way you take your time to respond and answer most of the people here on the forum, just pesters me to be your apprentice for patience classes :sweat_smile:. It really takes a lot of patience to answer those same questions about coins, fp, inkstone etc etc which I don't have at all. Keep up the good work :heart: and also to other forum helpers, there are many and I don't know whom all to mention so to all those, you all are really great. Kudos to you and keep up the good work :smile:
@Overlord_Venus - Thank you for making this thread and yeah, I said I would review your book. I am sorry due to my heavy school work, I ended reading only 2 chapters but I will surely read further. Keep up the good work :smile:
To all the translators, writers and editors- you all are great. It isn't easy to sit infront of the pc and work hours on the chapter or story! I tried once and ended up with a hectic migraine . So kudos to you and continue to shine brighter :heart:
And also to the one who is reading, I don't know you and you don't me but that doesn't you aren't worth my praise. You read this long post, so I need to thank you for your time. :sweat_smile:
Bye bye, I need to run now.
One, two and three Boommmm Io_oI as started her running marathon towards her class :sweat_smile:
Veronica8 I cry inside thinking of the old users. I miss them a lot~ Thatโs why Iโm glad for the ones who stayed.
Honestly, I do hope they see my ping hehe....
Mochimoshu Awww :heart: I shall return to reviews soon after my midterms this week are over. Iโm glad that you enjoy reading them, thank you kindly~ I look forward to chatting with you over there! :3
Chryiss How sweet, Chryiss. This is just so sweet. You are a beautiful soul yourself, and I adore you.
Much love.
Mochimoshu The fact that you have read two of my chapters gives you my unlimited Love~ :hearts:
Yess, one day, fall for my book. I am waiting!!!
This thread is so wholesome...my poor heart can't decide how to split itself amongst everyone here. T-T
Stay awesome as usual!
ValKree yeah, never knew there were so many kind souls here. I was shocked first
ValKree yeah, never knew there were so many kind souls here. I was shocked first
AriaKang <3
Finally heard from you cry cry cry
FallenBlue My baby! Blue I miss so much, glad to see you're on the forum Totally keep me sane most of the time