- Edited
Dear Webnovel
You really need to redesign how the readers browse for a new novel. Right now your design doesn't have a function that properly sorts the novels with most chapters to the least chapters and viceversa. It's just one big hotchpotch and could be more user-friendly to the readers!
A better sorting will also help the many many authors to get a better chance of someone finding their novel and giving it a try. I prefer a novel to have a certain amount of chapters before giving it a try, but I won't find a new novel that for example already has e.g. 50 chapters or more, if it's drowned and buried among hundreds of other novels that perhaps only have five chapters, if you don't redesign the novel browser.
Help your readers, help your authors and earn more money along the way. Happy reader, happy author, happy you. It's a win-win in my book.