- Edited
Forget this thread even existed...its your imagination...everything is a dream..go to sleep
Forget this thread even existed...its your imagination...everything is a dream..go to sleep
Pleasedeteme bruh...
@yaoyueyi Incorrect use of the suggestions tag.
RABBITICOL oh sorry man i thought to put suggestion.. anyway what you think?
Pleasedeteme I think I am good.
RABBITICOL ah I see you must be lucky your novel get genuine viwers I hope I got them too.. one day.. I have a dream.. that is to be the Writerkage.. I have a dream that one day.. I shall be the very best.. that no one ever was..
Pleasedeteme lol, I am not writing any book.
Naash NANI!!!.. This can't be.. also what you think of my method then. by the way good sir?
RABBITICOL ah well sorry for the confusion... I just hoped for a free society where we can share and review sawmp anywhere... but oh well..
Pleasedeteme tell me more about this free society.
RABBITICOL well the problem is I am not sure if I can exercise my freedom of speech in this forum.. I am afraid I might get suspended or worse..
Pleasedeteme Go ahead and say what is in your mind.
RABBITICOL Brother not gonna risk it
Pleasedeteme ......
Invest your energy in writing. Do not really get into these votes and ranking thing. Just do your thing. Write. Sooner or later, readers will find your work. When your focus is in your story, it automatically becomes your story's job to attract readers and believe me, it will.
LostInFictions Thank you. Specially encouragement..
RABBITICOL Whats that fish supposed to mean?
Pleasedeteme No worries. Keep writing but again, that's not enough. Keep writing and keep improving. You have to invest in your story first for people to invest in it. I quickly looked at your story. It needs to be edited which I am sure you know. There are spaces missing at a lot of places after commas and at a bunch of other places. Ultimately it's what choice you make. You can either invest your time in getting upset over bots which is kinda beyond our control for now or you can invest your time in working upon your story and getting your work better. I don't mean to criticise you. Just dropping by a friendly advice that in the long run, it is your investment in your story that would stay with you. Good luck.
LostInFictions Thanks.. I already knew this it's just I left it like that for people to see how I improve over time.. unless it's recommended I should change it?
RABBITICOL you sound very fishy... very fishy..
Pleasedeteme Why would you want to wait? It can put off readers which won't really be good for you and nobody has to know how much you improve except you. You have to track your improvement. It hardly matters to others.
RABBITICOL how about a puffer fish that eat carrots? Lmao!!!
LostInFictions ah I see thanks for the advice alright... time for editing..
Carciphones_02 May the Fish God be with you.. Fishamen
Pleasedeteme Don't worry about the bots if you have genuine readers you can ask something like, How do you like this character or something.
Also, I didn't get any comments until I had like 10k views or something.
Ignore the bots and do ur thing.
@Pleasedeteme I will get that review up when I have the time. Pretty busy right now, sorry.
Tomoyuki it's alright.. it's not a duty.. you have a life outside and I need you to live after all.. what would I do with dead readers welp.. joking.. anyway no worries by perfectly fine. Just go with the flow own pace.. don't do anything hasty or quick which can cause a downfall
Pleasedeteme my advice to you is simple
Keep writing
I started two months ago with zero readers and this was my first novel in english, i edited it more than 4 times so far and changed whole chapters and even changed the course of events
And now i have genuine readers who follow my novel
Just believe in yourself, don’t get distracted by anything, and most important of all keep writing and working on your writing skills
Writing is very hard profession that requires persistence and patience
Good luck with your novel
ranmaro Thank you a lot
Pleasedeteme Yeah, worry nothing about bots so far since I'm not sure if this problem will ever get solved but if it ever does then big surprise but in all seriousness keep writing your novel and it'll get successful one day or the other, I was also actually concerned whenever to keep writing but then I saw that as a result, I may wanna start writing again without worrying about them after I wrote a chapter so yeah
P.S. I'm pretty sure you'll recognize me, I still haven't been able to read it but this doesn't mean that it isn't in my collection, it's still in and to be still reviewed, it's just that I don't really have time for reading most of the time so... Yeah :)
GorujoKun its fine brother may the God of stories be with you
LostInFictions I am enlightened.
Thank You so much
Pleasedeteme Pokémon it’s you and me ... oh wait before I continue, was this the initiation to a sing along. I can’t help it if I here the words.
Pleasedeteme I will step forward and recommend you change it. It’s enough for you to notice your improvements over time. To a new reader a first impression is everything, and many people may be turned off and away by errors that you can now easily fix.
LostInFictions wow. Kindred spirit
tigre900 Nop just a Martin Luther King speech combined with pokemon.. I made a crossover. well you can sing along if you want but it's instead.. Lord Maximus and me..
tigre900 I am already in the process I have no editor's so we deal with it alone I am on a hiatus till I fix everything
Pleasedeteme grammarly might help too