I already reviewed your stuff, care to return the favor?
May 2020: Promote Your Novel Here/Review Swap
Moe_Cyan_Pile yh, written all d books I need to review down. Once I can get my phone fully charged, wud read all 10 and do my reviews. So I am sorry for the delay.
Moe_Cyan_Pile yh, written all d books I need to review down. Once I can get my phone fully charged, wud read all 10 and do my reviews. So I am sorry for the delay.
Moe_Cyan_Pile yh, written all d books I need to review down. Once I can get my phone fully charged, wud read all 10 and do my reviews. So I am sorry for the delay
Pleasedeteme yh reviews...
BaeVida oh sorry closed for now yours will take place after I finish the other four no worries
@MaxwellKHA I have already done the review to your story. Hope it helps.
MokouFriedChicken I will read yours for now then.
Nagisa_Chwan Done reviewing your story. Thumbs Up!
Carciphones_02 Interested in review swapping. Here's my story: https://www.webnovel.com/book/16824894205391405/The-Lotus-And-The-Peach-Blossom-Men
MokouFriedChicken is your name a reference to KFC?
- Edited
It's a compound reference of memes from the touhou fandom about the character Fujiwara no Mokou, an immortal with phoenix powers that claims to run a yakitori (grilled/fried chicken) stand.
MokouFriedChicken Definetly KFC
That too xD
MokouFriedChicken do you know a event for comedy contest in WPC
Nope, unfortunately
MokouFriedChicken thanks for the disturbance anyway
RiriHeart okay!!! I Will put it inside my library for now!!! I will review it after i finish with other works first!!!
MokouFriedChicken reviewed yours. Will wait for further updates in heart string now lol
MokouFriedChicken yeah hold up making chapters here don't worry by tommorow I would have already read it and I'm sure to have brought you a fresh review