Hi, I was recommended by a friend to Webnovel and he told me to use the invite code get webnovel currency and also I would be able to read all novels for free for a week. I followed it and i got the coins along with fast passes and started reading a novel but after few tens of chapters It showed me locked content unlock with fast pass or coins. I want to ask if my free reading has been activated or not?
New user's question
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The coins and passes you got at the very start are used unlock content. You got them for free, thus "free reading".
Sorry, but it would be illogical to unlock the site and bypass monetization for a whole week for new users.
You have been owned and fine-printed.
The free read itself should be some kind of ticket/pass you have, to redeem on the novel you want to read for free, but i never had one before so can'y be sure.
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Plowbat Sorry, but it would be illogical to unlock the site and bypass monetization for a whole week for new users.
It used to be a thing. New users got 7 days of unlimited reading as soon as they registered on the App, except for Privileged chapters. They removed it quite a good while ago.