Dan_Ryder I really believe if you would have just talked to me sooner, we could have easily come to an understanding. I can understand your stance against genuine trolls, but it will also easily lead to misunderstandings as without communication, there can be no understanding.
Not sure about my strange commenting habits, but if you are talking about me deleting my comments and reposting, i guess i tend to do that when i think i missed something. So i generally copy it, delete the comment, add the parts i want to be in the comment, and then post it again quickly. Or i just make a grammar mistake, i may even delete for that and post again after fixing. Not sure how that looks to you tbh. So i generally quickly delete it and add to it. I can sometimes do it a few times really if i'm particularly distracted at that moment. I can also delete my comments when i think i wrote them in anger, tho i don't think i wrote any comments with anger in your novel at least. Well, other than my two comments about me being pissed at you for deleting comments i guess. Anyways, if i did write them in anger, i may delete and curb the comment a little in those cases. Make it less spicy in a sense. There are also times that the comment becomes irrelevant or get explained in a few chapters or so, in which case i return back and delete it. Yeah, normally people don't bother doing that but i just do it. Not sure if that was the problem you had with the comments, because i really don't think there was anything that was really bad about them? Unless you were offended about me explaining what i dislike about the way the fights are written etc.
Really, just try to be less trigger happy with comment deleting, you really don't need to delete comments even if they are plain wrong or may be explained a few chapters later. The comment being there doesn't take anything away from the novel. If the comment is not insulting you or attacking you directly, just leave it. Understand that just because the comment isn't there, doesn't mean people think otherwise. And always remember, not all comments are directed at you, they can just be thrown out there for other readers to read and comment over. Even if you think a comment is irrelevant or wrong, just leave it, you don't need to micromanage so much. It won't have much of an effect on the success of your novel. People will think what they think even without a comment there to showcase their thoughts.
As for IAMANOTMAT, i actually got to talk to him in one of his reviews. We actually could still keep replying to each other even after you deleted the review btw, like a private comment section. Not sure what his comments were or if you truly needed to delete them, but i think he is doing what he is doing because he is pissed. And he cares enough to do what he does i guess. I was pissed too, i really can't stand people who censor others. It is a matter of principle. Tho i mostly moved on after our little copy paste comment battle that day. I guess he didn't and kept his anger. Or maybe he just wanted to get back at you and annoy you back just as much as he is annoyed. If he wasn't insulting you in his initial comments, try to message him here or in WN. Maybe you two can come to an understanding too. I don't feel like he is doing what he does just for the sake of being a troll, or that's what i think from our conversation. Then again, i really don't know his initial comments, so i can't give accurate judgement on that. It is just my feeling of how things are.
Oh and lastly, not sure what is up with your reviews, but it is concerning that there is not a single review under 4.5 stars. I doubt everyone who rated lower than that would be trolls, so i think you may need to curb the trigger there as well. Or maybe i'm wrong and you didn't get a single review under 4.5 stars that was genuine, but i hope you can understand how unlikely that sounds. If i was wrong about you deleting the reviews that have lower starts than 4.5, i apologize. If not, please understand that even people who enjoy the novel might not give 5 star reviews, for example me. I would truly give it 4 stars as far as i read. It might have increased or decreased depending on how it goes. There may be people who would give 3.5 stars even if they did enjoy the novel, everyone has a different way of rating.