i prefer claw glove to get up and personal bet up that person and my secondary wepon to be flying disks for long ranged assaults

    make my entire body a kickass weapon...where every other weapon breaks upon touch

      A spear, bow or daggers

        You say weapon?? A colt45 pistol will do the trick haha

          A katana and poison needles

            niallronen genius docter black belly miss uses needles and posion as the main weapons although the protagonist is female

              Definitely a halberd and when I'm not using it I'll use armored gloves

                sword of Hawk-Eye(one piece)

                  The only thing I would be able to use without hitting myself with would probably be a sword or two daggers/ some type of gauntlets?

                    long sword....hehehe.... but almost in every novel i read the mc ended up using flying swords (things like hundred-ten thousand sword formation)......
                    flying swords.....flying swords.....its boring to read a fight using flying swords....... i really don't know why some charater feel very satisfied with a sword flying around (or flying to pierce someone) while he is just look it doing the whole work..... flying sword is for lazy guys....

                    well....i really enjoy a fight using fists and legs (physical strength) instead of some treasures

                      I want Senbonzakura and the bankai Senbonzakura kageyoshi

                        An MC with an interesting mount using a glaive would be cool.

                          The problem is that a gun is more than enough to counter all weapons. Everything else is just useless. Obviously, if the enemy had all the special powers we see in novels, then we also need martial arts for gunners...

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