LazyFishinthesea If I were a hero in some sort of cultivator universe and sword craft mattered—I mean, for advanced cultivators, they wave their sword around like a magic wand, a broom would work as well. But while still at a level where sword attacks and defenses mattered, I'd go against the flow and use a western basket hilt saber—a left handed basket hilt saber. The 1860 Calvary Saber that Cold Steel sells is a good example—if it were only two or three inches longer...
What kind of weapons is your most-wanted?
A combination of spear and chains.
RenegadeXX I want Ye Xiu or rather, Lord Grim's Myriad Manifestations Umbrella!!!
Because I am greedy
I want it all~
I want it, I want it
RenegadeXX If I'm the MC though, I wouldn't want anything else.
I've already got the best armors :
Plot Armor is the best of them all~
Saint Yeah. Zither is awesome as weapon!
i am more for geezer-type -> a cane sword
Yuanjie yes! The most unexpected gives the most bang :D
i prefer claw glove to get up and personal bet up that person and my secondary wepon to be flying disks for long ranged assaults
make my entire body a kickass weapon...where every other weapon breaks upon touch
Spear or bows for me.
I say use a spear
A spear, bow or daggers
You say weapon?? A colt45 pistol will do the trick haha
A katana black and white
RenegadeXX foldable bow.... Lol with auto aim function....
A katana and poison needles
niallronen genius docter black belly miss uses needles and posion as the main weapons although the protagonist is female
Sieg that looks sweet but what would it be called
Definitely a halberd and when I'm not using it I'll use armored gloves
- Edited
sword of Hawk-Eye(one piece)