LazyFishinthesea If I were a hero in some sort of cultivator universe and sword craft mattered—I mean, for advanced cultivators, they wave their sword around like a magic wand, a broom would work as well. But while still at a level where sword attacks and defenses mattered, I'd go against the flow and use a western basket hilt saber—a left handed basket hilt saber. The 1860 Calvary Saber that Cold Steel sells is a good example—if it were only two or three inches longer...

RenegadeXX I want Ye Xiu or rather, Lord Grim's Myriad Manifestations Umbrella!!!

Because I am greedy 😆
I want it all~ 🎶
I want it, I want it 🎶

i am more for geezer-type -> a cane sword

    i prefer claw glove to get up and personal bet up that person and my secondary wepon to be flying disks for long ranged assaults

      make my entire body a kickass weapon...where every other weapon breaks upon touch

        A spear, bow or daggers

          You say weapon?? A colt45 pistol will do the trick haha

            A katana and poison needles

              niallronen genius docter black belly miss uses needles and posion as the main weapons although the protagonist is female

                Definitely a halberd and when I'm not using it I'll use armored gloves

                  sword of Hawk-Eye(one piece)

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