DemonSect they used a brick in the early stages of Upgrade Specialist In Another World if that counts :D

Leylin_Farlier uses instant teleport used by goku
Let one punch man catch up i will hava something by then a wig for him?

    gorky everything shield, spear, gun, sword, daggers, want, everything. U ever watched kings avatar? It's like that umbrella

      Jzrrztt_ haaaaa I always imagined by umbrellas could do that tooth don't forget EMG parashoot
      Impact jet and ,
      Also it has to be high tecyy like in that movie uhhh where they use the round table as role playing of Merlin's legends..

        A Hammer like Thor's
        Or a katana or just knuckles

          I can do a lot of damage with a Kubotan, but I would prefer something strong that can change shape :)

            The weapon Silver Musica from Ravemaster has. If not then long, thin needles

              Olivia The one and only King's Avatar's umbrella. It can change shape and into any weapon of you're desired! Simply steal it from Tuggy. (This feels like an advertisment...)

                IIXXII But I had a flail... The umbrella might be cool and all. But I don't have the reaction speed and strategic mind to be able to fully max its abilities.

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