Ooh so that happen how xiao xi got coma for 2 year ... thanks for spoiler ... i read spoiler at forum .. but thats part how xiao xi in to coma no one say it
Full Marks Hidden Marriage pick up a son get a free husband
chenemi oh and how he finds out about ning been lil treasure mom, she opens up to him on how her xuelo drug her and that she slept with a a guy. He ask his brother to search for that person that slept with her, as the investigation goes on with that. lu jingli wasnt able to find anything, in the hotel system for that incident it was erase. Big bun was the one to erase it. So he decide to do a DNA test between ning and lil bun
Guysss just wait for our releases! We haven't been slacking and have also been doing bonus releases very often!
Akira_Severus She tells LTX around 1400+. LJL mistakenly heard it when he was unknowingly passing by NXL’s bridal shower room (she was drunk). Then he and LJL tried to look for the man she was involved with that night. They found that it was LTX himself and proceeded to do a paternity test between Little treasure and NX. LTX and LJL find out that NX is LT’s mom in 1443-1444. They don’t tell NX and LT about it until they were close to the end of the novel... about 2years after LTX and NX got married.
thank you for the spoiler.. looking forward to the ending (long way to go)
QueenCL I read the spoilers on the forum too. Never understood why they withheld that piece of information from her other than for drama. It could have solved so much of her issues, especially in that one uber god level stupid arc near the end.
Pls who is yan shan
CreamPuffDelights IKR! I think the author just likes to prolong the unnecessary. The novel could have been over with 1500chapters but unnecessary side stories kept going on.
Do you think is there any chance that ning xi and little treasure has any connection at all ? Between mother and son really.
Missy_Zhang They are mother and son. LTX and LJL findd out around 1440. Ning Xi told him about the "rape" around early chapters of 1400s. He wanted to find the guy that hurt her and it turned out it was himself. So he did a DNA test of NX and LT to confirm.
then, what happen to xueluo and su yan?
Did they get marriage?
Angel_Sakura they did. xuelo will have a sad future by the way..
but an eye for an eye i guess
i finished reading the raws last night... anyone else feeling disappointed with the ending? =/ i mean, the author likes to write the arcs pretty long and detailed but when we're down to the most important parts, it felt like he rushed it
LordFatCat can i know around what chaper mc getting kidnap?
so many spoiler from u all.. i am as die hard fan so hard to trust but thnk you warningto fan at here forum ... dont read to much... u read spoiler then will getting burst