Avidfan I'd love to review your story! Here's mine! https://www.webnovel.com/book/xsoldonos%3A-revival-of-the-four-kings!_17624955605882305
August 2020: Review Swap Here
Hello, lovely writers! Would anyone like to do a swap? I will admit it may take a min to get back to reviewing yours, but that's cause I only get two days off, so I try to squeeze in as much editing as I can, but I promise I review everyone! If you'd like to review, reply your story link, and I'll be happy to give it a look! If one of you reviews my story before the other, I do, review stories in the order of when I got a review just to be fair. But here's mine if you'd like to swap! https://www.webnovel.com/book/xsoldonos%3A-revival-of-the-four-kings!_17624955605882305
therealSkywolf202 That's fine then
Is anyone interested to review swap with me? I made a new story, it only has three chapters for now.
(Disclaimer: it is LGBT themed, but it is not focused. The first chapter has it focused by stating the MCs crush, but other than that, it is not the main point.)
My link: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/17821839205077305?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4313534681
Anyone want review swap here is mine
Because it's first love : https://www.webnovel.com/book/because-it's-first-love_17665624006323505
Who wants to swap reviews?
Dara_Manuel Done your hope same from u
Joskylar interested in doing a review? Here is my link
NotUse Lets review swap if you are interested.
Illusionniste Yeah. I am still waiting eagerly.... :)