August 2020: Review Swap Here
Review swap?
- Edited
deepu_ Done reviewing your other book as well. Thanks. :)
Hua_Li_An Thanks. :) will do yours by tomorow.
missileor Done. :)
itsmeTuba Done. :)
Aciee_GelaTin Done with yours. :)
Anyone wanna swap?
JustLikeWriting777 Thank you! Done with yours as well
SaberFate let's swap here is mine
The untold witch:
Joskylar okay done,
here is mine
anyone want to review swap? XD
Dragon Ratio (4 chapter)
I am not that active to open this forum and so, I will reply back when I got a notification or visit this forum.
I will review it back as soon as I see the notification on my phone
deepu_ I left reviews on all of the works XD It was interesting to read, good imagination and perseverance!
LyingCrowPromises Review swap?
DaisukiDayoSenpai I did it~ Really like the story
Princeboi Didn't even see this until now.
Here's mine: