I would love for webnovel to stop locking chapters that I've already unlocked and read. Why are chapters being relocked?, I'd love to know. I've recently gone back to some novels to re-read them and I have noticed that some of the earlier chapters of at least 2 of the novels in my library have been locked, despite the fact that I've either unlocked them or read them before they went premium. I've also noticed that some of these relocked chapters seem to have been re-uploaded, if that is the cause of these chapters being locked then I would like webnovel to please fix this problem.

Thanks in advance

I'm not too sure if they can stay unlock forever but it would be nice if they stay unlock a longer period of time.

    technically if you bought the chapters before and are able to screenshot proof webnovel will unlock them when you report it.

    As for previously read chapters going premium... nothing you can do about that, sucks when it happens but there's literally no ground to stand on. Its like a webcomic purging their archives to sell physical or pdf books. Crappy situation but as a prior free reader you're "owed" continued access exactly never.

      Darth_Xiane well that sucks, in the case of free reading or reading before the paywall, while I don't agree, I can see how that works.
      however, how or why would someone take screenshots or record proof of purchase for a chapter when they don't expect it to be locked again. This is a oversight on webnovel's part(probably in the programming). Paid chapters being relocked isn't something we should be held accountable for, and honestly, how many readers keep proof something as simple as unlocking a chapter.

        Arzenile Note that if you've read it within the past 6 (?) months, you can furnish such a screenshot. All of your payments of coins or fast passes for specific chapters are available to you (click "Consume History" after clicking on either your coin balance or fast pass balance). My fast pass history goes back 9 months, but my coin history only goes back 6 months (possibly because that's when the changeover to coins from SS happened?).

        The fact that in all the complaints I've seen about having to pay again on a reread, I've never seen anybody able to furnish such proof, suggests that their system is pretty reliable. I'm sure that system glitches have occurred, but it's pretty clear to me that there isn't a systematic requirement to pay twice.

          CrispyCritter my history is about the same as yours and I do agree that the system is pretty solid, after all I've been using it for a bit more than 2 years without issue.

          Here's the problem, one of the novels I'm seeing this problem with is Kog (king of gods). Chapters 40 - 184 have been relocked and I know I unlocked them because I've re-read the novel more than twice. I can't provide proof because my history no longer goes back that far. In fact the earliest chapter in my history is in the 1300s(currently on 1508). This means that any chapter bought with spirit stones is possibly at risk, considering you no longer have proof of payment.

          I said it was the system because in this case it only happens to chapters that have been re-uploaded. So I obviously don't know what's going on behind the scenes but imo there's 2 possible problems, either:
          1) the chapters being re-uploaded are being locked because the system considers them as "New"
          Or 2) whoever's re-uploading the chapters is locking them on purpose.

            Arzenile chapters unlocked using fast pass or free SS/coins will relock themselves after a certain period. The ones unlocked using money (coins/SS bought using real money) should stay unlocked forever. If they get locked after a span of 6 months, you can lodge a complaint to webnovel. This was an old system which I think has been removed after the coins update

              Overlord_Venus No chapters unlocked with free pass or free coins remain unlocked forever.

              What the OP is experiencing is that he read chapters when they were free. He didn't "unlock" them. So when they are retroactively locked, the chapters are no longer available to him.

                CKtalon yes I did read some chapters for free, but that's been clarified by someone else. however, in the case of Kog which I mentioned earlier, I did unlock those chapters.
                Unless you mean "unlock" with bought ss/coins

                  Overlord_Venus I would be fine with the six month limit if that were the case but I've been reading Kog for more than a year and it has never relocked any of the chapters. Also as I mentioned earlier, the relocked chapters in Kog seem to have been re-uploaded almost a month ago and relocked because of that.

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