Ghassan_ You could as well join my group on Novel discussion "Authors and Writers' thought". You'll get what's about when you take a look.

    Looking for frens for feedback for feedback type of deal
    I haven't published anything so far (So no link), but I have around 30k words written on the story. What I offer is to read ten thousand words and to give detailed feedback and answer all of your questions if you do the same for me. I'll also drop you a review and give my ps if you are hungry for it idc.
    My book is Eastern Fantasy with all the cheap harem tropes
    Contact: No_No_1337#5411 On Discord

    lowering my bait

    Sigheti I will do yours when I am awake again. (Sorry if it has been showing that I was on, I fell asleep with the forum open).

    Drakonous Ah no worries, will be trying my best to update daily. Catch you on the next month's review swap. Haha

      SnowPenguin I need to read some of it first. I will get to it. Thanks for the review!

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